~Last night ? pt.2 ~ (5)

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Iguro POV :

( so basically this is after Iguro woke up from him and Giyuu's uhm yeah )

' Ugh , what the fuck happened last night ? ' I noticed that Tomi wasn't in my bed , but I remember he did something but what was it again ? He was gonna leave and I told him not to then he stayed .... ontop of me and ... OKAY ! I blushed remembering everything from last night . How the fuck did I allow myself to let him do that ? Jesus christ . H-how am I going to face him now shit shit shit shit ! I'm hungry but I need time before I face him again . 

I got up and got ready for the day . I walked to the kitchen to get some food . " Good morning Iguro-san ! How did you sleep ?^^ " Did this motherfucker just smile ?! He's so cute...wait no ! Wha-what do I say ? Instead I simply looked away to make me something to eat and headed back to my room . ' Fuck .

' Are you fucking stupid or something ?

' What ? '

' You plain out ignored your man . Are you fucking stupid ?  '

' Yeah okay , I did but he'll get over it . It's not like we're together anyway . ' I rolled my eyes

' Yeah but ! Y'know what , forget it . I'll let you figure out this shit on your own . Maybe if you'll experience it for yourself you'll know how he feels . '

I ignored what me said and continued my morning routine . I thought the house was surprisingly quiet . Normally Giyuu would ask me if I wanted to go out or watch a movie but , no .

Let me check up on him . I walked down the hall to see him standing there . He wasn't moving or actually I couldn't see his arms . Hey wasn't there a knife on the table ? But now it's gone ? I creep closer to him to see his blood....

What the fuck 

I stood there , I was frozen ' What the fuck am I doing ? Stop him ! '  I thought . Suddenly , he collapsed . 

" GIYUU ! " FUCK , I grabbed him as he fell . I thought he'd be heavy because of how he looked physically but no , he was light . How many meals has he skipped ? I tried my best to carry him to Shinobu but on the way I met Rengoku-san . " HELLO IGURO-SAN ! WHAT A LOVELY DAY WE'RE HAV- " He cut off . " What's wrong with Tomioka-san ? " His happy expression quickly turned to a concerned , serious look . " I-I'll explain soon , just help me get him to Shinobu . He nod and we set off to The butterfly mansion .

On the way I couldn't help but think why he could have done this... Could it be ... b-because of me ? I shook my head at the thought but still considering it . I could see Rengoku was also abit tense . I didn't realize this loser actually has people who care for him .

Once we got to the mansion , we were met with an angry Aoi - Inosuke probably stole food again . " YOUNG AOI , WOULD YOU MIND HELPING US TAKE CARE OF THIS SICKLY PERSON ? " Rengoku referenced Tomioka . Aoi jumped at Rengoku's yelling but quickly helped . She led us inside and Rengoku set Tomioka on the bed .

( I know I keep switching between Giyuu's name but like , don't pay attention to that k ^^ )

Aoi shooed us out into the hall and called for Shinobu and those other little girls ( I can't remember their names for the life of me T-T ) . " So , what happened with Tomioka ? " Rengoku asked . I was shocked when he asked so suddenly and in a serious tone but just now he was putting on his happy-go-lucky face . " Oh uhm . " Shit , how am I supposed to explain we kinda fucked last night ? Shit shit shit shit . 

" I walked into him ...." I hesitated . Rengoku looked at me and it quickly turned into a sigh . " He was harming himself . Correct ? " My head jolted up to face him . How did he ? " I've told Tomioka to stop . He promised he'd stop but ... he's pretty stubborn if you get to know him properly . " Rengoku admitted . " Oh " I sighed . So he's done this before .... Now that I think about it , when we were doing it , I did feel a rough texture on his wrists , not like I paid any mind to it . Rengoku and I soon started to speak again . It was nice catching up with him . I always used to get confused between him and his dad because of how similar they look . 

After what seemed forever , Shinobu-chan finally came out . 

" You ma- "

" MAY WE GO IN ?! " Rengoku and I both asked . 

" Ara ara , I was just about to say that you both may go in " she said with her smile but she was clearly annoyed . " But do try not to overwhelm him , he just awoken . " Aoi added . I nod and headed into the room . " Rengoku-san . Iguro-san " Tomioka greeted us . " GREETINGS ! " Rengoku laughed . Tomioka simply gave a soft smile . ' Cute ' " CAW ! CAW ! KYOJURO RENGOKU - FLAME PILLIAR ! PLEASE REPORT TO THE MUGEN TRAIN " a kasugai crow shouted . " Ah , it appears I must leave . Rest well Tomioka :) " Rengoku flashed a smile before leaving AND closing the door ;) ( /j ) . Silence filled the room . 

" T-thank you for bringing me here..." Tomioka broke the silence . " Yeah . " I looked down . I didn't know what to say , I was shy , flabbergasted , awkward . So many more things . " D-did I- W-was it my fault ? " I asked . He looked at me with dumb eyes . " Did I make you harm ? ... Y-yourself ? " I questioned . He looked down . " I... don't know . " He murmured . We both were looking down . " It was ... weird . I saw a figure of you calling me a slut and basically shaming me for doing those things and ... someone else . " he explained . 

My eyes widened . " Just w-why did you ignore me after last night ?! " He started to cry . I comforted him . " Hey , shh . I-I don't know why I ignored you . I guess I was just afraid of " " Being judged ? " he asked . " Exactly that . " I can't believe I'm agreeing with this idiot ( but you love him hey ) " Don't worry . I felt the same way when I was discovering myself too . " he attempted . " So , you're gay ? " I asked , raising an eyebrow . " That's for me to know and you to possibly find out ;) " he smirked . " W-what's that supposed to m-mean ?! " I blushed . 

Suddenly , he pulled me onto his lap . My face was blood red . I looked away but he softly pulled my face to his . ' Jesus his hands are so soft... ' " Stop fucking teasing ! " I thought . He smirked . I started to get angry , " Getting mad now are we darling ? " he teased .




Heheheheeee , Imma leave it there ! I'll continue next part I promise ~ 

Thank you peoples for over 700 reads ! ( and over 100 on my other story ) I am genuinely so so grateful THANK YOUUUU <33333333333

Have a great day / night / evening / afternoon . Be safe , especially if you're here in South Africa ( Bc of the taxi strikes ) !

I love you alllll <3333

This is person , off to my next mission 

( 1447 wordies )

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