~New discovery?~ (10)

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TW :

SMUT !!!!!! <3

Iguro POV:

"O-of course love." I smiled. I love how clingy he was being, it's adorable I swear.

I climbed in next to him and cuddled him. He was like a tired kitten. His skin was super soft, he smelt like a magnolia flower. So arousing... I caressed his body sensually. He reacted to it a little, his breathing becoming abit faster and hitched.

"D-don't stop..." He whimpered. It's cute how submissive he can be. It's so cute! I might just melt...I want to do more...I want to feel more, I want to feel him...

I got up from my position at his side and flipped him onto his stomach. He has such a cute ass. I climbed on him and dry humped him. He started gasping and slightly moaning. The light little moans made me harder and harder. 

"Please..." He begged me. 

"Please what?" I smirked.

"T-take my pants off..."

With no hesitation, I ripped off his pants. 

He gasped loud, clearly not expecting that from the way he gasped. I ripped off my pants, and stuck it in without letting him adjust. I rammed into him, his ass was so tight, not even 4 minutes later it was leaking with cum, it was almost like a pussy.  His moans were loud, he was practically screaming at this point. Tears were forming in his eyes. 

"ngh~! Harder please~!"  He cried

I smirked and full on rammed him at lightning's speed. His moans were so loud and fast you could hear it from a mile away, actually, an ocean away. I was so happy to be giving him immense amounts of pleasure. 

I flipped him again to make him face me. His face was red, he looked so vulnerable and helpless, it was fucking awesome. I wanted to ram him more but he would probably explode. His cock was curved and hard. I jerked him off while ramming him which made him moan even more! At this point, the bed was shaking intensely. 




After a few minutes, I finally released. Sure he cummed on me and himself but I cummed so much inside him, it was dripping. He laid down, exhausted, breathing heavily, legs shaking, face red. His chest had his cum on it. My face had his cum on. I licked it off, it was super sweet.

"T-thank you..."

"No problem my love, now, let me clean you up okay?" I kissed him and carried him to the bath.

I washed his hair, his body aswell as myself and carried him back to bed. He slept like a baby the second I tucked him in. I laid next to him and held him close. He needed this after-care after the experience we just had.





"Obanai-san!" Kocho called. "D'mind helping me with Tomioka-san here? He hurt his legs really badly on some mission"

I Kocho's words clicked in my head and I snickered. "How strong was that demon?!"

"Shut up...." Tomioka quietly said.

Kocho looked at me with a red face. "O-oh s-so you guys did it again?!"

[Hello so quick side bar ; Shinmommy knows about Tomioka and Obanai bc of them doing it in the butterfly mansion so yeah, and Tomidaddy and Obidaddy are keeping it a secret but Kocho told no-one.]

"Y-yes...last night" Tomi hid his face in his hands, his ears turning red

Kocho blushed. "Well then, uhm, I'll uhm....just take you to your estate then.


Tomioka was drinking some tea, he said it would help with his leg pain. I shrugged it off.

"Y'know, I was feeling quite sick this morning"

"Really? From what?"

"I don't know, I was just really nauseous when I woke up"

"We should probably  go to a doctor then"

Tomioka POV :

"We should probably go to a doctor then"

Those words rung in my head. I ... what if he finds out I was female at birth?

"I-I think I'll be fine..."

"Are you su-"

Kaburamaru hissed in Obanai's ear.

"I have a mission, but I'll see you later." He stood up and gave me a long kiss "I love you"

"I love you too Oba"

He left for his mission. I sat and thought to myself. Will he still love me if I told him the truth? Would he judge me? Would he tell everyone? I mean, the only people that know are Mitsuri and Kyojuro, and they didn't judge me. But, Obanai loves me, I know that. So, I don't think I'll need to worry.

I gave myself a nod of reassurance. Wait, where did he say his mission was? Eh, doesn't matter really. Imma go sleep...or should I go visit Kyojuro? Hmmm or should I train...but I always train with Kyojuro...


Iguro POV :

I was walking to a small town called Nogata. There were reports of demons here not too long ago but they disappeared and started to resurface again.

When I got to the gate of the little town, I bumped into a girl. She had pale skin, long black hair and pale ocean eyes, she looked quite weak but she was healthy. She had a striking resemblance to Giyuu. 

"Sorry about that" she said

"No, it's fine! I bumped into you"

She had quite a soft voice, you could almost say she had no voice at all. 

"Are you a demon slayer?" she asked shyly

"Oh uhm, yes, how- how did you know?" I tilted my head. These parts don't usually believe in demons or even utter a word about them - maybe it's because they're simply clueless.

"Oh! I read alot of books"

I smiled "That's good for a girl your age to be getting an education. How old are you any way?"

"Oh. I'm 21"

"Really? That's cool. Where's my manners, I'm Iguro Obanai, and you are...?"

"Kirari Tomioka...but you can call me Kira"

Wait...did she just say Tomioka...? Is she related to him? Why did he not tell me about this?

"Are you in any way related to Giyuu Tomioka?"






So, another chapter finished.

 It took me 384 words to write the smut part :D

Have a great day/night/evening/afternoon

this is person, off to my next mission

(1 000 wordies)

ALSO : Did you know that Kaburamaru is Obanai's kasugai crow? Even thought he's a snake, Kaburamaru tells him about any missions he has. so yeah, fun fact!

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