~ What a silly face~ (6)

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Warning ! This part has :

language , smut

You have been warned !


Iguro POV :  

I felt something hard between my legs . I shivered at the feeling . " T-Tomi ? Is there like a spring or something here ? " I asked . " No ? That's my-" he cut off . Suddenly he started bouncing me up and down . ' Oh shit .... this is good , fck . ' . I started to let out soft moans . I rested my head on his shoulder while he dry humped me . " You like this right ? " He asked . " Mmmh...ngh~! "he  then started going faster . " T-take off " I moaned . " Hmm ? " He asked . Lifting my head from his shoulder , I took off mine and his pants and underwear . ' Damn , he's big ... He pulled me closer to him and took two fingers and aligned it with my entrance . " May I dear ? " he asked . " Y-yeah " .

He inserted his fingers and played around ( idk what to say 😯 ) . I moaned at the action , he then started to suck on my neck . I moaned a little louder , I felt him get even harder then he already was . " Shove it in ! " I shouted , I couldn't wait any longer . Yeah , I wasn't fully adjusted but I wanted him in me , I NEEDED him in me . Without any hesitation he pulled out his fingers and spun me around ( So it's like doggystyle now ) and aligned his tip with my entrance . He shoved it in fast . " Ngh ~! " I moaned loudly . It hurt but damn it was so good . He grabbed my hips and started thrusting slowly . With every thrust I whimpered . 

He started to go faster and I moaned even louder , with him pushing my head into the bed to muffle the moans . He kept thrusting faster and faster - with every thrust I became louder . Eventually , he was going so hard the bed was shaking , my legs were shaking , there were tears in my eyes . He was re-arranging my fucking organs . I had already cummed twice but this man kept on going . It was so good . After 4 or 10 more thrusts , I felt his dick twitch inside of me . He cummed inside of me and took his thing out . I fell from position and laid on my stomach as the cum slowly dripped out of me . " Sorry for cumming in you dear , would you like me to help clean you up ? " he asked . I nod but I still wanted more . " What's wrong dear ? " he looked at me . " I want more . "  His eyebrows raised . " A-are you sure ? I can handle it b-but can you ? " " I don't care if I can handle it or not , I want your touch . I need more . " I said . He smirked . 

And so they did 4 more rounds🤭-  

After that , we cleaned up and headed back to my estate . When I tried to walk my legs gave up on me . ' Fuck... Sanemi is going to laugh at me for weeks ' I thought . " Need help ? " Tomi let out his hand . I smacked his hand out of the way and tried to stand up again . " See ? I can stand on my own ! " I exclaimed . Without even realizing it , I fell again . ' Sanemi is going to fucking kill me . ' Tomi picked me up , bridal style , and carried me back to my estate . I felt eyes staring at us the whole time , it was weird because it wasn't night and the sun was just making it's way to set so demons couldn't come out . Even so , the place is surrounded with wisteria so they wouldn't even be near here .... I brushed it off and looked up and Tomi . He looked so graceful , I'd never ever pay proper attention to his beauty if I'm going to be honest . " Staring are we again dear ? " he said . I jumped . " Shuddafukup " I crossed my arms . He laughed . " You know technically , I should punish you for smacking my hand earlier ~ " I looked at me . " N-not here ! " I punched him . " I was just joking dear . " he chuckled . ' This guy is such a tease '

When we got home , he set me on the couch and went into the kitchen to feed Kaburamaru and prepare dinner . I started to think more about the presence I felt in the forest . It definitely was not a demon , but perhaps another slayer ? Who could it be though ? I couldn't really think of who it could be . Maybe , it could even be a demon with the ability to mask it's scent ! But that's impossible , the place is basically saturated with wisteria , demons wouldn't be able to step foot here ! I tensed up thinking about it . Tomi came in with our dinner - tororo konbu ? " Holy shit , this is my favourite . H-how did you know ?! " I looked up at him . " I didn't . I saw it somewhere so , I decided to make it . " He shrugged while sitting down . I thanked him for the food and dug in . I couldn't hold back , this shit was good , even better than the restaurants ! 

" So , Tomi ? How are you feeling now ? " I asked him . " Hmm? Oh , I'm feeling much better . Thank you Iguro-san . " He replied . " Please , call me anything else but Iguro-san , it's kinda getting annoying now . " I rolled my eyes . " Oh , okay . " he sipped his tea . After dinner we showered and headed to bed . 

As we were heading to our rooms I asked Tomioka a question that had been on my mind since dinner , " Tomi , do y- would you like to sleep in my room ? Like forever ? " I blurted out . " Are you asking me to move in with you ? " he faced me . Realizing what I'd just said I froze . " Yes ! Sorry uh that uh came out wrong " I covered my face . He pulled me into a hug , holding my hips . I wrapped my arms around his neck , " What a silly face :)  " I said . ( I looked at the cover art and thought it would be funny :> ) . He kissed me on my forehead and picked me up and carried me to the bedroom , where we fucked more- /j . We cuddled the whole night , not caring about the world around us .



Finally , I'm done :))))) 

Hope you enjoyed the smut/fluff chapter . If there was smth wrong with the smut I guess imma work on it :/

Hope you all have a great day / night / evening / afternoon

I love you all <33333

This is person , off to my next mission . 

( 1251 wordies )

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