~Guilt~ (8)

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Tomioka POV

I woke up laying next to Iguro. It's the best time of my life being with him, but the thing he told me about Mitsuri is playing on my mind. I grew up with her ( my au ) and it's no surprise. She'd always be nice , and kind on the outside but on the inside? She was a bitch. She was mean , ugly hearted , and so much more. I know that I shouldn't be saying this about my best friend, but I know how she REALLY behaves. I need to speak to her urgently.

Iguro turned around and dug his face into my chest. I looked down at him ' cute ' , he looks so peaceful. ' I guess a couple few hours wont hurt . ' I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep. 

A FEW HOURS LATER - TOWARDS EVENING-SIDE , Tomioka is walking with Mitsuri  to get food.


" Isn't that Rengoku's mission? Does he need help? " Mitsuri asked. " I'm not sure , but it probably seems serious , I have to go now . " I coldly replied to Mitsuri , I was contemplating asking her about Iguro.

Rengoku POV :

I'm fighting for my life right now. I'm injured in like seven places, my lungs feel like they're on fire but I can't give up , I still have to protect young Kamado and his friends! "C'mon Kyojuro , become a demon." the pink haired man infront of me offered. "Over my dead body." I said. He then charged at me . " Ku no gata : Rengoku ! " we both charged at each other , but just as I came close to him , I knew it was over. 'I'm done for....'


" H-HUH?! "  I looked up to see Giyuu?! W-what . He decapitated the demon , but he regenerated. The demon ran away because the sun started to slowly peak through. I just saw Tomioka run up to be but I blacked out.


Rengoku-san was badly hurt , bleeding from everywhere. He looked like he was about to die, luckily I came on time. ( not with Tanjiro's family though 💀 )


'Rengoku-san , please wake up...I still need you.' I sat and waited by his bedside. Kocho came in but her face was sad. " S-so?" I asked her. " 

" He's in a coma..." She looked down.

" ...."

" I'm sorry Tomioka-san , I know how much he meant to you. " Kocho said to me

" Thank you for telling me..." I bowed and left. Rengoku was the second closest to me , first being Mitsuri. He helped me with so much in my life and now he's..."TOMIOKA-SAN!" I heard someone call me , it was Mitsuri.

" I heard what happened to Rengoku , are you okay ? How are you feeling? " she asked

" I'm....okay" I looked down.

" No , you're not. I know when you're lying Yuu." she told me

I broke down in tears , " How could I let him slip away from me?!" I shouted. Mitsuri comforted me , " Atleast he didn't die , Yuu. You still made it on time to save him!" She told me. 

"I know but still...I could have stopped him from getting so hurt..." I sobbed. Mitsuri is the is the only person who has seen me cry like this

" Giyuu Tomioka , don't even speak like that ! You did what you could okay?! It's not in your control if you came earlier or not , you're crow maybe even called you late but Rengoku-san is strong and we both know that!" she encouraged. Sure she could be quite mean but she's also quite helpful.

" I-I need to go, t-thank you..." I left before she could even answer. I don't know what to do without him , he was like my father ( my au ) , a person I could look up to , but I didn't protect him.

Running home I crashed into mine and Iguro's bed, sobbing. What am I going to do with myself? What am I going to do without him? Please Rengoku-san....please fight...for Senjuro, for me...

I drifted off to sleep. 

Iguro POV

I came back from a tough mission , excited to see Tomioka-san. I entered the bedroom to see him laying across the bed , he looked like a mess. I put my stuff down and laid next to him , adjusting him first ( to make him lay straight , not what yous are thinking ). I wrapped my body around his, caressing his face. His face felt, wet , like he'd been crying , but about what? He's eyes were baggy and puffy. Oh my sweet Giyuu , what's wrong? Who did this to you? I pulled him closer and I felt him hug me tight

"Please....fight....for me.....Rengoku-san" he murmured. Rengoku-san? Now that I think about it , they were quite close. I'll ask him about it when we wake up

Third person POV

So the boys both fell asleep right through the day , just to relax and unwind for abit.



Hey everybody : D 

Sorry for disappearing againnn , school is to blame bro , like we have like 300 projects due💀I'm so done bro

But I hope you enjoyed the story so far :)

Hope you have a great day/evening/night/afternoon

I love you all <3


Go read my other story ; entering life as one , leaving as two

Go read @YNtrixScammander's story - she's my best friend of 6 yearss  and she's super supportive

okay end of promo

this is person , off to my next mission

( 902 wordies )

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