~Life is getting hard - part 2~

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It's just a continuation from the other chapt I did
Also, new content is in the works!

Giyuu POV:

I went home, I couldn't bare to look at anyone right now. I wish these feelings could stop, I want Obanai back, I want to raise a family with him. I want to...

My mind ran all over the place but eventually I succumbed to sleep. No one can know how I'm feeling, they won't understand. I would do anything for Obanai but he's not here? Damn...I haven't felt this way in so long...Tsutako...Sabito...what did I do to deserve this?

3rd person pov: (THAT'S MEEEEEE😝🍆💦)

As Giyuu lie on the futon, his eyes shut, resting in fetus position, he felt like nothing. He had no time for anything, his missions were piling up, he just couldn't bother anymore. He doesn't want to seem weak or anything, he just wants relief from the past experiences of his trauma. To be touched like that again...to feel his love...he wants Obanai back. Obanai taught him how to love, how to feel pleasure, how to live life. He made him enjoy life, yes, their relationship started off rocky in the beginning but Giyuu eventually got to know him and they built their relationship off of mutual trust.

Now it seems like Giyuu is haunted by the aura off misfortune...nothing is going his way. He's not being whiny, he just wants his love back.

As Giyuu lie there, he stared down the hallway, slowly losing a touch of reality...drifting off to where our mind cannot go. The power of love is real, so is a broken heart. Giyuu has gone through that way to many times to remember. He doesn't want to die, not without Obanai

3rd person pov — Obanai's location:

Obanai, deep in a hazy gaze, he was bedridden and weak. Although he wasn't conscious, he could still feel the pain of the world. He could hear Giyuu's suffering wherever he would come visit. He longed to wake up and just hug and kiss him and tell him it will all be okay.

Obanai POV:

'Damnit! Why the fuck can't I wake up?!'

🐍💭: 'I'm sorry'

'For what?'

🐍💭: 'For not being strong enough...To give up'

'It's okay! I can fight still, I'm not dying. It's only been a few days that I've been like this,  Giyuu is going to see me, we're going to get married and–

🐍💭: 'No, you're not'

'What do you mean? Won't I see him again?'

🐍💭: 'You...you have so much to do...yet you have nothing ahead...'

'Stop talking in poetry and f**king tell me what's going on'

🐍💭: We're dying...we can't uphold the current medications we're on'

That's when my whole world fucking dropped. How could I be so weak? Giyuu is probably so disappointed in me. I wanted to be with him again, I feel warm but I feel so cold at the same time...

3rd person pov

Obanai laid there, halfway touching death. He had come a long way to this point and he couldn't achieve the goals he wanted

Yet again, he felt trapped, alone, scared. This time, he had no one he could run to. No where to go, he couldn't feel Giyuu's presence in the room with him. Is he dying alone aswell? Is this the end of two lovers?


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