~Questions~ (7)

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I just want to thank you guys/girls/peoples so much for over 1k reads ! ( it was 1.1k reads last time I checked ) TSYM !!!!11!!1 <3333333333


Iguro POV

I woke up in Tomioka's arms . His muscular arms wrapped around my chest . So warm . I had things to do today but those could wait , I'm with my man . Wait , I just realized - I never officially asked him to be my boyfriend . I should ask him .

Suddenly I felt him move . " Mmmmh " he groaned . " Morning you big baby . I have things I needed to do today , I 'll be back by supper time okay ? " I spoke to him in a soft tone . I felt him nod. So I got up and got ready for the day . 

First thing I needed to do was tell Ubuyashiki-sama that I'm feeling better . I walked to his estate when I saw ... her . All my feelings came back to me .  Mitsuri-chan , she was looking even more beautiful than before . Wait b-but why am I still thinking of her like this ? She was talking to Sanemi , Shinobu , Tengen and Gyomei . Kyojuro's still not back from his mission , I hope he's okay . I brushed all my feelings and thoughts aside and continued my journey to Master's estate .


I knelt before him when he entered. " Iguro , my child , is that you I sense ? " He asked , in his calm tone . " Yes master . " I bowed . " How are you feeling my child ? How's Tomioka ? " he asked . " I'm feeling fine . He's doing good too . " I replied . " That's good to hear . You know , you and him make a good couple , " he started . ' How did he know about Tomioka and I ? ' " I'm assuming you both are fit for missions again ? " He continued . " O-oh y-yes sir . " I stammered . " What's wrong my child ? " " It's just ... how did you know about Tomioka and I ? " I asked . He chuckled . " I know everything my child . Now , go tell Tomioka that you both are fit for missions , you are dismissed . " he said . I bowed out of respect and left , still trying to figure out how Master knows about Tomioka and I . Suddenly I hear screaming . 

" SORRY KOCHO " W-was that Tomioka ? I've got to check what's going on ! I ran to the scene to see Tomioka on the ground with Shinobu standing on him . " Ara ara , so I see Iguro-san decided to join us too ! " she gave a sinister smile . " What ? " I asked . I was completely dumb-founded . " It seems that you and Tomioka had a little TOO much fun in my estate . Poor Naho , Kiyo , Sumi , Kanao and Aoi heard yous . " Oh shit... Suddenly , Shinobu charged at me , I ran for my life , obviously while Sanemi and Giyuu ( In his beaten state ) watched us . Eventually Shinobu caught up to me . " I'M SORRYYYYY " I pleaded . " Too late . " she had this deadly sparkle in her eyes .


" Thanks again Aoi and sorry once again ... heh . " I rubbed the back of my head . " It's fine , I didn't sleep that night but it's okay . " she said . " I'm assuming you want me to keep this a secret from the other hashira ? " Shinobu chimed in . " Just until we're official I guess ? " I shrugged . " I didn't actually expect YOU to be gay ... " Shinobu messed with her cubicles . " Yeah me too but I don't think I'm gay , I also find woman to be good looking . I'm just abit confused. " I looked down . " It's okay to be confused , as long as you're comfortable in your own skin . ^^ " she smiled at me . I gave her a smile back but there was one question on my mind .

" Shinobu-san , are you very close to Kanroji-san ? " I asked . " Oh , No , I'm not . I mean , we are close but not that close . I would suggest asking Rengoku-san but he's on that mission but another person you could try asking is Tomioka-san . I see they're also quite close . " Shinobu suggested . " Why do you ask ? " she turned to me . I thought about telling her about that day but I don't want to ruin Kanroji's nice image. " Oh no I was just wondering because you two are mostly together. " I lied. Tomioka came into the room , Shinobu gave him a look. " D-don't worry ! We won't do it here again !! " He assured her. " Good. Both of you may go " she gave us a smile. We thanked her and left.

On the walk home I pondered asking him about him and Kanroji's relationship. Then again , I felt that same presence I felt that night Tomioka carried me home. I looked around but nothing , there was no one there. Tomioka and I got home and headed for the bedroom . It was a long day and we were both tired. As we were getting ready to sleep I asked him " How close are you to Kanroji-san ? " 

Tomioka POV :

I gave Iguro a shocked look. Normally he calls her Mitsuri or Mitsuri-chan but now he swapped over to her surname ? " I see her as nothing more than a sister. She actually reminds me of my older sister , Tsutako . " I told him. " The one that passed away? " he asked. I nod in response. He did a 'ah okay' movement with his head. " Why do you ask dear ? " I asked. " No ... just wondering ." he looked away. " Dear? Tell me , what's going on ? " I pulled his face to me . " hmmmmghh! Fine ! Just cause you're so cute , I can't resist you . " he pulled away. I sat ready to listen to his story.

" So remember that day you found me in the woods ? " He started. I replied with a nod. " Basically before that I confessed my love to Kanroji but she rejected me. But she wasn't herself . She was cold , after she basically crushed my heart she just walked away like nothing happened. " He explained. " Oh ... that doesn't sound like her . But that also doesn't explain why you were so pale though. " I tilted my head. " Oh I was probably shocked because apparently she saw me without my bandages and saw my mouth . She called my mouth scary/atrocious ." He looked down. ' That b1cth. ' I thought . I cupped his face, feeling that it was crying. I pulled him closer and started to play with his hair . " Don't worry. I think your scar makes you look badass. I'll speak to Kanroji okay ? " I felt him nod but I knew he felt terrible for ruining her image. I know Iguro , he doesn't want any problems. " Now dear , may we sleep? " I asked him softly. He nod and laid down. I took off my shirt and laid down next to him , holding him . ( He turned off the light already btw ) " Don't worry dear , as long as I'm with you , no one will hurt you " I assure him

" Tomi , what are we ? " he asked while looking up at me. " Boyfriends of course! " I smiled at him. He smiled back and rest his head back on my chest . " I love you Giyuu. " " And I love you Obanai . " 

I kissed him on the forehead before we both fell asleep.



hELLO my peoples ! I'm ending it there . Hope you enjoyed the chapter . It was more of a filler and just to prepare you for later chapters !!

Have a great day / night / evening / afternoon

I love you all <333


GO READ : @YNtrixScammander stories - that's my bestie of 6 years bro . 



This is person , off to my next mission

( 1452 wordies )

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