~Why are you so distant?~ (9)

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Iguro POV:

 I woke up next to Tomi. His eyes were alot less puffy but they were still abit red. I felt so bad seeing him like this. I noticed his eyes were opening abit.

"Good morning my love" I kissed him on his forehead. 

"Hmmmph..." He groaned, he was still waking up so it's understandable.

"Shall I make us breakfast?" I asked. I wanted to do something for him to make him feel better.

He sat up and stretched. "That would be nice, thank you dear"

I smiled. I got up and walked to the kitchen. In the kitchen, I thought of ways to make him happy. I wanted to know why he was so upset, I hated seeing him so...depressed.

He came into the kitchen and sat down. He looked like he hadn't slept for days. Part of me knew the reasoning for this but another part wanted to know why he was like this.

I put down some bacon and eggs infront of him. The bacon made a little smiley face and the eggs were  the eyes. I saw him do a faint smile before he started eating - I atleast got him to smile, even if it wasn't a big one, he still smiled.

"Thank you Oba, the food was great." He said. I didn't realise how fast he eats. 

"Oh! No problem Tomi...." I still pondered asking him why he's been so ... distant. "Tomi? I have to ask you something."

"Hmm? What is it dear?" He's doing the thing. That thing he does when he's hiding something, but...but what is he hiding?

"W-well,  I wanted to know, what happened to you? You've been so distant and you've looked like you haven't slept in days..."

His eyes widened at my question. He clearly didn't expect that. 

"Well...I...uhm..." He kept stuttering. He was worrying me, has he been keeping a secret from me? Has he been...

Tomioka POV

I genuinely didn't expect that from Iguro, what do I say? Well, there's no use hiding it...

"I...feel bad...."

"Bad about what Tomi?"

I was holding back tears, it seems I can't openly speak about this.

"Feel bad that...I didn't save Rengoku-san from getting too hurt, it's my fault he's in a coma"

Iguro POV :

My eyes widen. I knew him and Rengoku were close but not that close. I did have some relation to the fire hashira, we basically grew up together. 

"Giyuu, it's not your fault. Kyojuro's a strong man! He'll get through this. It's not in your control of whether you came earlier or not." I tightly hugged him "Just...please don't think this is your fault.."

I felt his body flinch but then he let loose and hugged me back. I felt him cry on my shoulder, I never knew this man was capable of crying like this....


"Sleep for now my love, everything will be okay"

I kissed him on his forehead and tucked him in.

Tomioka POV : 

I've ... never felt this in a while. Tsutako used to tuck me in like this...

"Please stay Iguro...I need you...."






Short chapter but it's the best I could do, haven't worked on this in a while.

Quick Question : should I do a muitan story? Or any other ds ship story, you can request.

Have a great day/night/evening/afternoon !

You are loved ❤

This is person, off to my next misson.

~(496 wordies) ~

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