~Murderer's tango~ (12)

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Obsession, blood, murder, stalking(?)

⚠!Read at your own risk!⚠


Kira POV:

'Obanai is weird...how does he know Yuu? Does he not know Yuu is mine? He will only ever be mine...mine all mine...' I thought as I prepared my futon to sleep in. 'Obanai doesn't know the real me...I protect what's mine, and Yuu has BEEN my property, he was mine first and will always be' I said as I stroked a picture of me, Yuu and Sabito. It's true, I do love Sabito but Yuu has always had a special place in my heart, we're just so similar, the same person.

Third person POV:

Kira climbed into bed and dreamt of Giyuu that night, she dreamt of living in a luxury house, waking up at sunrise and lightly stroking his hair as he stirred from his slumber. She dreamt of having children with him, but the dream was interrupted by Obanai's face. She shivered at the sight of his eyes, his snake and wondered what's under those hideous bandages.


Kira POV: 

I got up and made myself breakfast. I searched for Obanai as he stayed in my little house for the night but he was ... GONE?! W-where did he go? I...I need to find him and keep him away from Yuu!

I started searching for Obanai but he left without a trace. I made my way back to my home to check his room but I found a piece of someone's golden water charm in a little bag ... It was Giyuu's?!!! H-how did it get there? Why does Obanai have it? (Obanai keeps it as a little reminder of Giyuu because Giyuu shows his affection by giving things precious to him to people precious to him)

Third person POV:

Kira went into a rage, she started breaking vases as her brain put two and two together, this stranger knowing about her beloved, the hair, the questions, everything. 

Obanai POV: 

I felt a weird aura in that house, so I left after I did my rounds of searching for that demon - which was already slayed by another slayer.  As I walked home, I realised I forgot something, Giyuu's charm! "Did I forget it in Kira's house? Shit...."

Before I could even think, I felt something hard hit the back of my head, and then I saw black

"If I can't have Giyuu...no one can



Next chapter will be longer, I've been feeling very tired and unmotivated. There's alot going on in my personal life that's getting to me and I haven't be able to express how I feel so yeha. Enjoy this chapter :)

(428 words)

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