~What else are you hiding from me?~ (11)

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TW :

Little bits of angst, uhm , the BANNER PIC, LIKE I AM DYING RN PL-




Iguro POV:

The girl stopped her bright smile, did ... did I do something?

"H-how do you know that name?" She asked in a completely different manner. She sounded scared, it was like I spoke 


"We NEVER speak of this name here..." She interrupted me.

What did Giyuu do here? Did he cause harm to this village? That doesn't sound like him, Giyuu is...he is a nice, wonderful, respectful, sexy man! He could never harm! It's simply not in his nature...or...have I seen a completey different side to him?

"Kira, please do tell me...how do you know that name?" I asked with slight concern and shock in my voice

"Well, my...brother's name is Giyuu Tomioka." *She looked down as she said that*

I was shocked...I only knew about his older sister, Tsutako I think her name was, but Tomi never told me about Kira...maybe the aren't on speaking turns? Or maybe he doesn't trust women, which, I wouldn't blame him...they are...*Iguro shuddered as he thought of his past*

"Urhm, sir, might you be alright? Would you like to come to my house? I...I suppose you will need some hospitality as...well, you are a demon slayer and you need to be fresh to slay demons" *Kira softly said*

"Hmm? Th-thank you so much Kira, your hospitality will be much appreciated!" I bowed out of respect and started walking with Kira to her house. It was a small cottage on the outer skirts of Nogata

However, as I walked with Kira, something was secretly itching at me, What else is Giyuu hiding from me? He hid that he had a younger sister...he also said he was quite nauseous...come to think of it...I do randomly see cloths with blood in our trash bin but normally they're hidden...it happens every month. Could it...no...is Giyuu...

"Sir? Are you alright?" Kira asked out of concern

"Oh! I'm sorry, I'm fine thank you, I'm just deep in thought." I glanced down at the ground "Kira, there is one thing I must ask of you"

"And that is...?" She asked

"Why do you not speak of Giyuu Tomioka in your village? I know you say he's your brother but, what did he do?"

Her voice suddenly became that of a whisper and she pulled me close

"Giyuu is not my brother...you see, me, him and Sabito grew up together. But Giyuu and I knew each other before Sabito knew us because we grew up in this village. I was the only one who believed Giyuu when he said Tsutako was murdered by a demon...but everyone else thought he was crazy all for the mere fact that he...was a girl. They thought he murdered Tsutako himself and sent him to a mental asylum"

"We both reunited when we trained as Demon Slayers together, but Giyuu had changed. He still had his long hair but he was a boy now. That's where we met  Sabito. At final selection, Sabito died and sent both me and Giyuu into a downward spiral. I stopped being a demon slayer and returned to Nogata, where I never say Giyuu again..." She explained

So, I was correct. Giyuu's transgender. But, that doesn't matter, he was sent to a mental asylum? My poor baby...

"Are you in contact with him? I'd love to see Yuu again..." Kira blushed.

Woah...did she just...?

" That fucking bitch! "The voice in my head said

" I...m-maybe do— " I thought

" Shut the fuck up! Did you not see her fall for you man?! She knew lover boy before you Obama, OBVIOUSLY she has a crush on him! "

The more I thought of it...I could be right. She did blush as she spoke of Giyuu but...could they have dated before me? W-wait, why am I even—

"Sir? Are you okay?" Kira asked

"W-what?! Oh sorry, I'm fine. However, I must get going, it's almost sunset and demons are coming out soon. Keep well, Kira" I gave her a subtle death glare and went about my day



hello! Person here! What's up? I ran out of ideas so this chapter is short T^T I'm sorryyyyyy!

I promise I will get longer chapters out soon <3 !!

Anyways, keep well, stay safe, stay healthy and remain blessed.

Have a good day/afternoon/evening/night

You are loved ❤️

En, vir dié Suid Afrikaners, wat het julle gekry vir Afrikaans?

~(771 wordies)~

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