Loving a married person

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Requested by Kurenai1626

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This gonna a little long chapter.

Let's go.........


Y/n - What!? I have to marry!! Why??

Lawyer - Sorry Mam but Mr. Takao your father left a legacy before his death that you can't get any share in his company until you get married to his business partner's son.

Y/N - But I need money! I immediately need to treat my sister's disease or she will die... She is my only family.

Lawyer - Then you have to marry him and that guy will help you.

Y/N - Okay....I only marry for my sister..

Lawyer - Okay! He already sign the marriage papers. I will send you marriage papers and ring tomorrow.

Y/N - okay......

After some days of signing the papers, she invited to her friend party. There she met a guy named Shu Kurenai and they both become friends and go out together. Currently Y/N was standing in the balcony after finishing a movie with Shu and some more friends. Then Shu come.

Shu - Y/N.... What are you thinking?

Y/N - I-I just missing my dad and I scared today is m-my sister operation......*crying*

Shu - Don't worry... I know your sister will fine soon... *wipping her tears*

Y/N - T-Thanks for supporting me...

Shu - No worries... I am always here for you.....*cupple her face*

They both were staring and each other eyes and lost in them. Unconsciously, Shu leaned in and their lips just few inches apart. They were about to kiss when Y/N eyes fall on the ring he was wearing and realization hit her. She pushed him and said

Y/N - STOP!! This is wrong!! We both are married!

Shu heart ached while thinking that they both were cheating on their partners.
Y/N ran from there.

Y/N mind - W-Why?!! We both love each other but we are m-married!!! *crying* I can't c-cheat on my h-husband he help me in my difficult time....

Shu mind - Y/N... I love you... But you are s-someone else.... and I am also married... I can't c-cheat on my wife.......

Next morning ~

Y/n is currently sitting in living room thinking about her life. Today She have to shift on her husband's house. Suddenly someone starts shouting her name. She opened the door to see her best friend is there.

Y/N - Hey B/F!! What happened?

B/F - What happened?!! Didn't you watch the news???

Y/N - No.. What is in it?

B/F - Look this!! This is your photo with Shu of last night!

B/F - Look this!! This is your photo with Shu of last night!

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Y/N - W-What? He is m-married to daughter of Mr. Takao who is me! Wait! This means I AM SHU'S WIFE!! HE IS MY HUSBAND!!!

B/f - Yeah I am too shocked about this that. How you two even don't know each others name.

Y/N - I can't tell you how much I happy!! He is one who help me! H-He is mine and I am his only his!!!

B/f - Hmm... Now call your husband. Give him this big news!

Y/N - Okay!

On call ~

Shu - Hello Y/n..

Y/N - Shu! I love you!!

Shu - Y-Y/N listen... I-I love you too but I-I can't cheat on my w-wife.... And I also don't want you to cheat. She is coming home today.....So it's better i-if w-we forget each other and n-never meet....I am s-sorry.....

Y/N - So..Do you love your wife?

Shu - N-No.. I don't love her...

Y/N - What? You don't love me?

Shu - Y/N please....I already told you....So please... Why are you asking these questions?

Y/N - I will tell you later... My sweetheart...

Call ended

Shu mind - What does she mean?

Tonight at Shu's house

The doorbell rings. He knows who come she is no other than her wife. He is currently sitting on his bed listening some music while on his headphones remembering his love Y/N... But a h/c hair girl come and hugged him by side while sitting on his lap

Y/N - Looks like my hubby is waiting for me... *kissed his cheek*


Y/N - Correction! Not yours it is ours hubby..

Shu - What are you saying? Why are you calling me hubby?

Y/N - *sights* Looks like my dear hubby don't see the news yet. Listen me carefully....

Shu shocked after knowing everything and feel the luckiest person on earth.

Y/N - That's good right?

Shu - Good?! This is the best thing! I love you so so so much Y/N my beautiful wifey.... *kissed her*

Y/N - Love you too....but don't you that you don't love you lr wife?😏

Shu - Oh....Come on! Now I love my wifey more than my life!

Y/N - But we don't marry properly. I want to marry you again!!

Shu - Your wish is my command! We will marry soon wifey.

Y/N - *giggled*

They both slept in each others arms cuddling...

The End!!

Hope you liked it. Sorry for the spelling or grammar errors. 😅

Have a good day/night. 💜

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