Office Romance

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Just an short oneshot. Hope you enjoy~


An h/c hair colored girl entered her cabin and her blood boil seeing a girl clinging on her boyfriend.

R/G/N : Shu~~You look so handsome~~

She cleared her thought grabbing both of their attention. She walked towards them and pulled R/G/N away who is clinging on her boyfriend. She wrap her arms around him while leaning on his shoulder.

Y/n : Sorry dear! But he is already mine! So stop clinging on others!! Got it?

The other female left from there angrily.

Shu : So how you end up coming here baby?

Y/n : I thought we can have lunch together.

Shu : Really? Then lets go! What are we waiting for-

Y/n : I said I thought. But I changed my mind after seeing you here with R/G/N!!

Shu : Sorry Y/n...but she is the one tried to cling on me.

Y/n : And you allow her?

Shu : What?! No baby-

Y/n : Shut up!! I don't wanna hear!! Hmph!!

She left from there while Shu calling her several times. But she just ignore his callings.

~After lunch break~

All the workers doing there works on laptop sliently. Shu kept glancing at y/n time to time. But she just kept ignoring him. A boy come near her.

Boy : Excuse me miss Y/n, can you help me with my work? Actually, I am new here.

Shu : What?! No!!

She ignored him and said

Y/n : Yeah sure.

Shu burning in jeaulosy coz she kept giggling and talking with R/G/N completely ignoring his boyfriend.

~After 3 hours~ (break time)

Boss : Okay, now time to take a small break!

Shu come to Y/n and pulled closer by her waist.

Y/n : Leave me!!

Shu : I said sorry even its not my fault but you started making me jealous?

Y/n : *pouted like a balloon*

Shu : My baby is still angry at me? How about I make up to you by a kiss?

Y/n : That doesn't work mister!!

Shu : *sighted* Is that work~

She gasped when he kissed her on the neck. First she tried to push him but soon give up. She wrapped her arms around his neck. He suck her sweet spot making her moan but quickly pulled away when they heard someone fake cough.

Boss : Loverbirds, if your romance is over, then do the files I give you. Break is over now.

They started blushing more when they saw all the employee looking at them. Some are giggling and some started taking pictures.

Y/n & Shu : Yes sir!

The End!!

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