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A maid opened the door and greeted by a h/c colored female.

She is non other than Y/n.

Maid : Yeah! Come in. Sir is waiting for you in the living room.

She nodded and the maid head her to the living room.

She saw there Mr. Kurenai the father of Shu Kurenai and the ex CEO of kurenai industry.

She greeted him and he smiled while gestured her to sit.

She gladly accepted the offer and took a sit.

Mr. Kurenai : Miss Y/n...As you know why we called you here...My grandson...Kaito Kurenai..He is too difficult to handle. No babysitter could stay here more than 10 days...I hope you handle him well.

Y/n : Don't worry sir..I will try best.

Mr. Kurenai : He is in his room. The maid will lead you. You can start your work from now.

Kaito Kurenai is the son of Sora Kurenai aka Shu's sister. Unfortunately, his parents died in a car accident.

She went upstairs while following the maid. She hesitated a bit coz its her first time babysitting someone. She only babysit new born babies.

Y/n : Aishh!! Calm down...I can do it!

She lost in her own thoughts that she didn't noticed she bumped into someone.

She noticed she bumped to a handsome man. From looks, she can tell that he is a member of the Kurenai family.

Y/n : S-Sorry sir...

She feared of getting fired.

He looked at her and then at maid.

Maid : Oh! He is Young master! Son of Mr. Kurenai.

Shu : Who is she?

Maid : She is the new babysitter of Kaito.

Hearing that he smirked at her.

Shu : Well good luck miss babysitter...let's see for how many days you will be here.

He said and left.

Y/n mind : Wait...Is he challenging me?

She knocked on the door and then come inside. She saw a boy standing facing the window. She cleared her throat to get his attention.

Kaito : Who are you? 

He said in a rude voice.

Y/n : Who? Me?

Kaito : Is there anyone else rather than you?

y/n : Ah! Yes! I am Y/n your new babysitter!!

Kaito turned around making Y/n sight.

Y/n : Its already time for lunch. I should prepare lunch for him.

She came closer to him and asked.

Y/n : Hey cutie! Did you eat lunch?

Kaito : No! I don't wanna eat!

Y/n : Hey!! Why are you upset? Are you angry??

Kaito : Stop it will you? I don't need any babysitter! Go away!!

He said but his stomach growl.

Y/N : Okay then I am going to make pancakes for me.

She waited to see his reaction but he didn't showed any excitement.

Y/n : Nah! I'm making donuts!

Still no reaction.

Y/n : Nah! I'm making cupcakes!

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