Making Babies ~(Historical fanfic)

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The Tokyo kingdom is cursed -The kingdom will destroy and the person who becomes the next king will die.

The king (shu's Dad) it's time for his retirement but he scared to give the throne to his son Shu kurenai.
To overcome this problem he go to a hermit.

Hermit : What brings you here child?

King : My kingdom is cursed by an poor lady because I killed her due to some misunderstanding....The curse is who becomes the next king of this kingdom will die...and it's time for my son to become the king...please help me.. Isn't any way to break this curse?

Hermit : You have one option...

King : What is it?

Hermit : You have to make a mix of poor & royal the curse is given by an poor lady.

King : How to make a mix of poor & royal power?

Hermit : Your son have to marry a girl who is extremely poor and then they have to make a baby who is considered as a mix of royal & poor.

After 1 week ~

Shu : What? I have to make a baby with a poor girl to break the curse??!!

King : Yes Shu..It's only a way to save our kingdom..I already find a girl for this....If you don't like her then leave her after the birth of baby.

Shu : Okay dad....

Y/n's is an orphan and she needs money for her survival. Shu's dad said that if she become Shu's baby mother then he helped her in money. Lefting with no other choice, she have to marry Shu.

At the day of wedding night ~

They entered their room and got nervous seeing the decorated room.

They entered their room and got nervous seeing the decorated room

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Shu : Umm

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Shu : the way what's your name?

Y/n : Y/N L/N...

Shu : So are you ready?

Y/n : Ready for what?

Shu : T-To make love....

Y/n : Y-Yeah....

That night they make love.

At morning ~

King : So...How's your first night?

He felt nervous but replied.

Shu : N-Nice...

King : Don't worry son..Just got her preganant once then you can marry any royal girl.

He stayed silent but felt bad listening to his dad that he is just using her.

After 1 week ~

Shu : D-Dad...Y/n is pregnant...

King : Oh really?!! That's a great news son!!

Shu : Y-Yeah...

King : You have to go on a date with the Linda (a royal family's princess).

Shu : What?!! I am not going with that bitchy attitude girl!!

King : Okay then another-

Shu : I am not going with anyone dad!! Instead I want to stay and take care of my & Y/N's baby!!

King : Not hers Shu...He/She is yours!

Shu : I don't want to argue now, anyways my wife needs me.

He left from there.
He went to their room and saw Y/n sitting on bed silently. He sat beside her and hold her hand. But he frowned seeing tears in her eyes.

Shu : Y/n..Are you crying?? What happened?

He asked worriedly.

Y/n : D-Do you l-leave m-me after the birth of our baby?

His heart clenched listening to her words.

Y/n : T-Tell me...

Shu : Did I ever say this?

She shakes her head.

Shu : Then?

Y/n : B-But-

Shu : Listen Y/n...It's true that I need a baby but that doesn't mean that I only use your body and throw you away, specially when I love you...

She widened her eyes.

Y/n : Y-You what?

Shu : It's true Y/n...and I already accept this marriage and you at our wedding night....So now even if you want I won't let you go my love...

Y/n : I love you too~

They hugged each other while someone smiled seeing them happy.

King : It's best for you son....I am happy for you.

The End!!

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