Kid shu kurenai x reader

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Requested by LillianaBerry2003

Thank you for requesting. Hope you like it.
I do this soon coz I have free time.

Y/n's pov

I am going to Shu my boyfriend's room because he don't come fos training today. It's weird because he never miss training sessions.
I opened the door and see he is still sleeping on the bed while covering his body with blankets. I go near him and pull the blanket and shocked to see a kid with white hair laying on the bed.

End of Y/n's pov

Y/n : W-Who are you and where is Shu? What are you doing in his room? *shocked*

Boy : Umm...I am...

Y/n : Wait a minute! Your face just like Shu's... Is you?

Boy : Yes I am-

Y/n : SHU'S SON??

Boy : WHAT??

Y/n : I can't believe this!!


She first go in confused. After sometimes, she believed him.

Y/n : But how you become a kid?

Shu : I don't know. When I woke up in morning I saw myself in the mirror and realised that I turn into a kid.

Y/n : Umm...okay? Don't go outside.

Shu : But I am hungry...

Y/n : I will bring the food here wait.

After somtimes, she bring the food in a kid's bow and plates.

Shu : Why you bring food in these kids plates?

Y/n : Because you are kid now...I will feed you..

Shu : I can feed on my own.

Y/n : No what if you stained your clothes while eating? I an gonna feed you.

Shu : *annoyed* Okay!!

He ate the food while making an angry face.

Y/n : Are you mad at me?

Shu : Yes I am!

Y/n : Okay. Sorry...

Shu : I don't want your sorry!

Y/n : Then how I gonna make up to you...Tell me what you want?

Shu mind : I want a kiss 😏

Shu : Think yourself...*smirking*

Y/n : Oh I got it!

Shu : Now give...*while showing his lips*

Y/n : Here... *gives him a chocolate *

Shu : What the fuck-

Y/n : No! A kid should not use these bad words!

Shu : Y/N!!

At night ~

Y/N : Shu... drink this...*gives a bottle of potion*

Shu : Why?

Y/n : Just drink this...

He drink the potion and after some minutes turned back to normal.

Shu : How this-

Y/n : Umm... Actually.... I am the one who turn you into a kid. I put few drops of a magic potion in your food....

Shu : WHAT???

Y/n : Sorry....

Shu : But why you do this? *stern voice*

Y/n : B-Because I want to s-see how you l-look in you kid form..
I am so s-sorry... *closed her eyes in fear*

Shu : open your eyes! *cold voice*

She opened her eyes ready to scolded from the him. But instead he pulled her closer by waist.

Shu : *smirked* If you want this, why don't you told me earlier?

Y/n : So if I told you listen to me?

Shu : Yeah... But grant your wish in my style.

Y/n : What do you mean?

Shu : I mean we can together make a little Shu... * whisper in seductive voice*

Y/n : *red like a tomato*

End of this part!

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