The War Pt. 2

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"What do you want from us?"

His sinister laugh echos throughout the house. "Oh I think I was very clear about that ." A shadow appears from out of the darkness that surrounds me. His voices comes from the shadow,"I want everything. I want to rid this world of spawn like you. I want to see the agony on your face as I once again take your mate and slowly make her my slave." My wolf and I growl at his mention of our Jasmine. "I want to destroy all that our father has built for you. Just so he can see which one of us was really the disgrace. I want you to live everyday in a living hell until I give you the right to no longer breath. Most importantly I want you to watch as my heir does more damage than I can ever do. I will raise her to become the ultimate supreme leader just like her father."

"After all that I have done for you. After all the sacrifices I have made for you-"

"All you have done for me dear brother is make my life hell. Father hated me because of you. Once you were born I was nothing to him and he treated me as such. Even after all the countless times I proved to be the more worthy son he still made you Alpha. And when I had finally found happiness. My reason to live and breath. When I found my mate do you know what our father did?" I shook my head no."He ordered to have her killed by rogues."

Looking into his dark eyes, I can see the unimaginable pain hidden underneath his ruthless shell, and in that moment I allowed him an ounce of sympathy. I stutter from disbelief,"Jackson I'm so sorry. I didn't-"

He cocks his head to the side and a dark smile spreads on his face. "You didn't know. Well yes I was aware of that too, but that's what makes it worse. The fact that you put that bastard on such a high pedestal, even after all he'd done to me in front of your very eyes."

I cut him off,"You are wrong. I did nothing, but defend you. It may not have always been publicly, but I still defended you. I never held father on and pedestal. I knew he was a horrible tyrant despite his favoritism. Not once did I not take your side and I was there for you when you lost your mate. So what have I done to deserve this?"

He looks enraged, like he wants to rip my head off,"By having everything that I've ever wanted and not earning an ounce of it."Suddenly there is an unbearable pain in my chest. I look down to see a knife protruding from my chest. I can feel his breath on neck,"Now it is time for you to die brother." I hear Jasmine's screaming echoing in the house.

Pushing away from him, I turn around, ignoring the not so dull ache in my chest. "Did you really think I'd die so easily?" I lay continuous punches on his face. While going for another punch he grabs my wrist and smiles.

"I would expect no such thing from you brother, but remember-" He produces another knife and stabs me in the shoulder. I yell and fall down on one knee. "-you will not win this fight." I pull the knife out and yell out again.

Suddenly I begin to feel my strength replenishing. "What have you done to me you bastard."

He laughs,"Oh that? Just a simple spell. Once the knife is removed wolfesbane is released into your blood stream. Now on a knife that small I just reduces your strength, but on a knife much larger." I feel him behind me gripping the knife in my chest. "The damage could be lethal." Without warning he rips the knife out of my chest. I scream, this time it feels like my body has been drenched in lava.

Looking up at his smile of triumph I growl out,"You will never win. My men will avenge me."

Mocking me he ask,"You mean the men that are out side being slaughtered by the vampires as we speak?"

Not believing him I try to mind link my beta. "Troy what's going on out there man?"

He sounds out of breath,"They're turning against us. I knew we should have never trust-" His connection breaks and I can feel his pack bond weaken.

Jackson laughs again,"Now enough with this. It's time to get to work." Turning around he speaks to the approaching figure. "He's all yours Dmitri."

Dmitri nods,"Thank you Jackson." Dmitri walks up to me, grabs my collar, and lifts me up like a feather. He smiles,"I'm going to enjoy killing you." He throws me across the room into the wall.

I groan,"I should have known not to trust a leech."

He speeds to my weak body as I drop to the ground. "Yes you should have known." He bites into my neck and begins sucking my blood, making me weaker.

I push him off me and grab his neck. Trying to channel all my power I choke him harder. "You're not even man enough to fight me when I've got all my strength."

Grabbing my wrist he snaps it without mercy. I lean down to cradle my broken wrist and he grabs my hair. "I'm growing more and more tired of hearing the sound of your voice." Before I can react, before I lose conscientiousness, I feel my neck slowly, painfully, being ripped off. Knowing the inevitable is coming I use my last ounce of strength to fight for my life. But it wasn't enough.

King Dmitri roars with triumph while holding Robert's severed head in his hand. Feeling the loss of her loved one Jasmine cries while letting out screams of agony. Jackson smiles a bright smile that reaches his eyes, filling them with joy,"I told you brother. I always get what I want."

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