Alexis (Pt 2)

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Finally getting dressed, I left the special room, and walked to my room. Opening the door I noticed that Max was sleep on our bed. Lying down next to him I smiled looking at his handsome features. I despite all the crap I have to go through on a daily basis I didn’t hate Max. It wasn’t his fault that his father was the reason for all my pain. I actually found myself feeling sorry for him. Such a nice and caring guy was the son of an evil power hungry man and he didn’t even know what his father put me through. Although I found it odd that Albert would even allow Max and I to be engaged, I thought it was best to not look into it. After all we were both happy with our relationship and despite the fact that my body didn’t only belong to Max, my heart was only his. I know that keeping these secrets from Max weren’t good for our relationship, but I wasn’t absolutely sure that I could trust him. Yet.

 Scooting closer to him I closed my eyes and cleared my mind. Before I drifted off to sleep I inhaled his scent. There was something about the way Max smelled that calmed my insides and helped the troubles of my world melt away. Turning my head, I read the time on the clock on our dresser. Reading that it was midnight I whispered to myself,"Happy Birthday Alexis", and drifted off into dreamland. 


I was sitting in my room playing with my dolls when my father came in. Looking down at me with cold eyes he said,"Get up Alex, we're going for a ride." 

Standing up from the floor I smiled at him asking,"Are we gonna go to Disney Land daddy?" 

He froze and said,"We'll see when we get there." 

I jumped up and down, ran to him, and hugged his leg. Feeling bubbly and excited I said,"Yay! Thank you daddy. I love you so much." 

My happiness was replaced with confusion when I was pushed off of him. Looking down at me with anger and disgust he said,"Go get in the car now", and walked out of my room. Grabbing my baby wolf toy I left my room and headed towards the garage. I stopped when I got to my parents room because they were arguing.

Peaking through the cracked door I could see my mother looking at my father with pleading eyes saying,"Please Rick don't do this. You can't take my baby away from me." 

Looking at her with pure hatred he said,"You should have though about that when you lied about who her father really was!" 

Pausing she whispered saying,"You don't understand. I. I was only a teenager I didn't think anyone would believe me if I told you what really happened." 

He responded while laughing,"Oh yeah it probably is hard to explain to your husband that you're a cheating whore." 

Getting red in the face my mother raised her hand and slapped my father. My father held his face and looked at her in disbelief, recovering from his shock, his face changed to a dark rage that I had never seen in him before. Stepping closer to my mother he said,"That. Was a bad idea." 

Before my father could do anything I ran into the room and jumped in front of my mother. "Daddy please don't hurt mommy. You love her."

He slowly looked down at me saying,"Not anymore", and pushed me aside before striking her. Not wanting to look I kept my face buried in the soft brown rug and hugged my favorite toy closer to me, hoping that it could some how come alive and take me away from my home. I covered my ears when I began to hear her endless please for mercy turn into sobs. 

When he was done my father picked me up with a painful grip on my arm and dragged me out of the room. Reaching the garage he tossed me in the backseat. Once he got himself in the driver's seat he drove away from the place that I would never call home again. Looking out the back window of the car I began to cry.

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