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We finally got a solid lead one Jasmine’s location! Right now we’re standing outside what looks like an abandoned cabin in the middle of the forest. Yes I know, typical place to hide someone you kidnapped.

With my best fighters behind me, we start walking towards the cabin. All of a sudden I can feel this unbearable ache in my heart and the overwhelming feeling to cry.

My wolf yells through our link,"Our mate’s in trouble!" 

Tryng not to let her emotions distract me I stay focused and say,"Yea we need to hurry and get her back."

I tell everyone to approach the cabin and I knock on the cabin’s door. The ache in my heart gets stronger so I kick down the door. When we get through I tell my men to search the house, after turning down another hall I get to a big locked metal door.

My wolf tells me,"She’s in there I can feel it we must hurry and get to her." Using my Alpha strength I kick the door off its hinges. What I saw next almost made me want to rip my own heart off.

My mate was laying on a bed half naked with her left ancle connected to a long chain. She had a sharp piece of wood in her right hand with blood dripping from it and her left wrist. I run my hand through my hair and whisper to myself,"Dear god what has she done?"

I rush over to the bed and quickly break the chain off her raw ankle and take the wood out of her hand. Putting my ear to her head, I relax a little when i notice she’s still breathing. Looking down at her I push her hair away from her forehead, while kissing her cheek, and promise her,“It’s okay my love you’re safe now.” I mind link my beta to tell some of the fighters to stay back in case someone comes back to the cabin.

Running back to the pack house, still in my human form, my wolf is still uneasy and extremely pist off. When we reach the pack house I mind link the pack doctor, Dr. Smith, and tell him to be ready for my mate. I make it to him in no time and place her on the hospital bed.

Looking at me with alert eyes he ask,“Okay alpha do you know of and immediate injuries?”

 Shaking my head I slowly answer him,“She tried to cut her wrist and." Feeling a couple of tears slip from my eyes I let out a breath and continue,"Her ankle is also pretty bruised.”

Giving me a sad look he says,“Okay it should only take about a week for her to heal if she’s given some blood.”

Shaking my head I say,“I think it’ll take longer than that."

Looking at me with a confused face he answers his own unspoken question,"she’s human.” I nod and he looks down, puts his hands in his hair and says,“A human mate but that’s impossible-”

Getting frustrated, I cut him off and say,“Look. I don’t care about that right now just fix her!”

Looking back up at me he nods and says,“Yes alpha” He goes over to the wall to operate the intercom system. “Alright I need all nurses on staff our future Luna is at stake and she’s human so I’m going to need all the help I can get!”

I hesitantly walk out of the room torn between not wanting to leave my mate and not wanting to get in the way and delay the doctor’s work. 

Eventually I walk back to my room with only one thought on my mind,"Dear Moon Goddess, please don’t make me have to live without her."

Is This Love? (#Wattys2015)Where stories live. Discover now