My Name is Jasmine

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Upon hearing the cellar door Jasmine's bloodshot, dead, eyes remain downcast. She tries her best no to acknowledge his presence.

He speaks with great confidence. "Now that the pest has been rid of. I no longer need you alive."

She laughs. Her small giggles soon morph into hysterical chuckles. Her laughter settles into silence. "After all this pain I have suffered. After all the agony you have inflicted on me by you, finally want to grant me the one thing that will bring me absolute joy."

He smiles,"Yes well I don't need you in the way while I raise my daughter to become the most powerful alpha on the earth."

Her smile drops and sorrow seeps onto her, weathered, face. "But of course there is no such thing as absolute joy. Please tell me Jackson what have I ever done to deserve this fate? The moment I met you, you have done nothing but cause me harm."

"It's not what you have done it is what you are. I dislike humans, but I absolutely hate humans that are turned. You do not deserve our power. You are weak and the weak do not deserve to breath."

"What about your daughter did you forget that she was a hybrid. She is not pure wolf either, but you do not treat her differently."

"She is young and despite her tainted genes I will teacher her what it really means to be a powerful wolf."

Becoming enraged she attempts to stand. "I swear on everything even if you do kill me you will regret it."

Jackson chuckles,"much to my disappointment I will not be the one to kill you."

She looks at him with confusion. "Then who will?"

"It turns out an old friend of yours wanted to do the honors herself." Looking over his shoulder he calmly says,"You can come out now."

Out of the dark corner comes a young vampire. Her eyes are red with black veins stretching from them like a child's drawing of the sun. Disbelief and fear course through Jasmine as she looked at the one person she thought would never betray her. "Thalia?"

Thalia smiles. Jasmine had never seen her dear friend smile like that. She smiled the smile of a predator. Making Jasmine her vulnerable prey. "Oh so you do remember me?" She shrugged,"I wasn't sure you would. Oh my name's not Thalia by the way. It's Amelia."

"What...what's going on? I don't understand."

Using her supernatural speed Amelia moves behind Jasmine and grabs her hair. "Understand this. I'm here to end you bitch." Quickly moving Jasmine's head to the side Amelia sinks her fangs into her neck.

Outside, the clouds roll across the sky, following the earth's natural rotation, and revealing the pearl like full moon in the sky. The wind blows strongly all around the fallen bodies and blood that cover the halls of the mansion.

Inside, Amelia pulls her fangs out of a very weak Jasmine. Feeling a burning sensation take over her body Amelia screams in agony. Jackson falls to his knees, groaning, feeling like his heart is being ripped from him. Feeling the the pull of unconsciousness consuming her, Jasmine welcomes the white light assuming that it is her maker calling her home. Little does she know, the white light can be seen by everyone.

Robert shoots up from his bed inhaling a deep breath. What felt like thirty seconds of darkness was really five hours of death. Slowly he feels his neck for any scars. Finding none he finally exhales,"What the hell is going on?" Looking over at his door after hearing a female's laughter, suddenly he remembers,"Jasmine." He jumps out of his bed and runs outside his room, but all he sees is Jackson making out with a young she wolf.

Jackson looks up at him with an innocent smile. "Oh Robert sorry we didn't mean to wake you."

Robert slowly looks up from the she wolf to Jackson. Pure rage consumes his senses. Without warning he grabs his brother by the neck,"You!"

"So what's her name?"

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Oh yes you do don't play dumb with me . There has to be some explanation for why you're never home. So I want to know what her name is "

Jasmine sighs. Yet again she's waking up to her parents bickering. Picking up her phone she, touches the screen to unlock it, and opens the text. 

It's from Thalia her best friend.

   Bomb fire 2nite u in?

Rubbing her eyes, she replies.

    Cant parents r in bad mood...again.

Thalia responds seconds later.

   Aww I'm sorri. Why dont u sneak out?

Thalia was always trying to find new ways to get me to parties. She called it helping me "spread my wings." Deep down I think she realized that I just wasn't a crowd pleaser. Not wanting to argue with her I agreed and she told what time she's come by.


Hoping out of Thalia's broke down Beamer that's not supposed to be a convertible. 

When we got further in the woods we could see a clearing with a big bomb fire in the middle, filled with teenagers, standing around talking and dancing with plastic red party cups in their hands.

I think to myself while shaking my head,"Teenagers. Always drinking." Looking around around the party I could see everyone talking, drinking, and dancing, but right in the middle a tall older looking guy, probably like 20, was looking right at me. I shake off the disturbing feeling I got when I saw him and walk closer to Thalia.

As we get closer to the drinks table I ask her,"T you're not thinking of drinking are you?"

She just turns around and puts her hands on my shoulders. "Look Jazzy if were gonna kick back and let go we've gotta be open to new things. Plus were basically responsible adults anyway."

I roll my eyes while sighing and answer sarcastically,"Yea were responsible adults who live and depend on our parents."

She rolls her eyes and continues,"Look at it this way. We're seniors and about to graduate. We've worked hard for four long ass years for this. I don't know about you but I think that deserves a celebratory drink." She turns around and goes to the table to get a drink.

I whine to myself,"Why do I always befriend the crazies?" She comes back with two cups in her hand smiling and looking back at the average height buff guy at the drinks table. I raise my eyebrows at her,"You don't expect me to drink that do you?"

She makes a straight face and pouts a little,"Yes, yes I do. So drink up." After giving in to her puppy eyes I reluctantly take the cup. Thalia brings her cup to her lips and takes a long drink.

After her cup is empty she clutches her eyes shut and shakes her head a little,"Holy shit that's strong." After recovering she looks at me with glassy awaiting eyes.

I sigh and say ,"Ugh okay!" Taking a sip of mine I feel the sting of the alcohol as it goes down my throat. Five minutes later Thalia was over in a crowd of boys dancing to the music. I on the other was sitting in front of the fire enjoying the warmth of the dancing flames.

A voice came from next to me startling me,"Beautiful isn't it." I flinched and look to the side and saw one of the most beautiful guys I have ever seen. Being so close to the flames I could see his masculine chiseled features that were incredibly handsome. I couldn't help but let my mind wonder to how it would feel to kiss this stranger's lips and just let myself be free, but I was brought out of my trance when he smirked after seeing me check him out.

He gave me a warm familiar smile and said,"HI my name is Robert." 

I looked back up at him, smiled, and responded, "Hi I'm Jasmine." Without thinking I asked him,"I'm sorry but have we met before?"

His beautiful, radiant, smile grew wider and he nodded, "You could say that."

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