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Jackson was laying next to me, holding on to me tight, while he slept. I was very exhausted but for some reason I just couldn't fall asleep. I just had so much on my mind with this whole alternate universe thing going on, if that's what this was. All I know is that something isn't right. I'm still in shock at the fact that I just had sex with Jackson. My body seemed to be under some type of spell and I couldn't control myself but it's impossible to ignore this unbearable pain I have in my chest. It's like my heart is squeezing the life out of its self. Jackson's arm tightened around my waist. I noticed I can no longer feel the electrifying sparks between us, all I feel is regret, confusion, and revulsion. My eyelids were getting heavier and heavier as if I was being yanked into sleep so I let it happen and fell into a calm stillness.




As my eyes fluttered open I noticed I wasn't in my bedroom anymore. I was in Robert's room, not sure if I should be happy or scared. In my so called "dream" Robert is the evil but in real life he's...well he's him. I looked around and noticed the room was a tangle of broken furniture. Once I tried to get up I noticed my ankle was chained to the bed,"I must still be dreaming." I looked down and noticed I was once again pregnant,"Or maybe not." How long was I sleep and why am I chained to the bed? I saw one of the maids scurrying past the door,"Hey wait!" She stopped and slowly same back to the doorway. Her eyes were red like she hadn't slept in days and she looked terrified. "I'm sorry for scaring you like that but um...can you see if you can unchain me? I really need to use the bathroom." I herd a shout come from down the hall, her head snapped from the direction of the noise then to me.

Her eyes grew like saucers and she started shaking her head,"I'm sorry ma'am I can't the master he-" The noise got closer,"Oh god I...I'm sorry I must go!"

She ran off like her feet were on fire. As the noise got closer and closer I started getting scared myself. I saw a chair fly past the door and let out a surprised yelp. Suddenly the figure moving past the door stopped. His face snapped to mine in an instant, eyes black as night and features hard, the menacing creature looked like Robert but everything was off. I let out a whimper and scooted off the bed as far as the chain would allow me to. Robert, or who ever he was, stalked towards me with determination. He moved right in front of me and picked me up by my hair so that I was standing up. He moved close so that I could feel his body heat and the usual electricity jolts between us. "Don't  run from me mate." His voice was iced over with venom causing my body to shake with fear. 

I tried myself to plead with him fearing what he was about to do, "please Robert, what are you doing?"

He let out a dark chuckle,"Sorry love...Robert's not here anymore." I felt his canines poke my neck and I started to struggle. He began to kiss my neck and moaned a little,"So soft." Suddenly he reached my soft spot and I shuddered, my body was battling between fear and arousal, he stopped kissing the spot and I felt a little grateful. With much speed he sunk his canines into my soft spot on my neck, causing me to scream in pain. Once he stopped he gently licked the spot and let my weak body drop to the ground. "Now we're even." My body was shaking in fear, pain, and confusion. Why would he do that? I tried to get back up to the bed but ended up falling back down. I crawled to the bathroom feeling the unbearable need to pee. When I got to the bathroom I pulled myself up to the sink. I felt a pain in my stomach and the need to relieve myself leave my body.

The pain was unbearable and cause me to scream out. I could hear someone run into the room then the bathroom. I looked over and saw a young boy, maybe about 15, who had similar features to Robert. "Please I need a doctor, baby...ouch oooooh it hurts please hurry." He nodded and began to run off,"Wait! take me with you." With out saying a word he ran over and picked me up like I weighed nothing.

He quickly ran us to the pack doctor's office while I was gasping and moaning in pain. His young voice rang through my ears,"Somebody, we need a doctor in here. This lady's having a baby." The doctors came rushing in while he sat me down on the all too familiar white hospital bed.

He was turning to leave, I grabbed his hand and looked at him with desperate pleading eyes,"please...please stay." He look at me for a second then silently nodded.

The nurses started setting up all the equipment, the doctor propped my legs open, and put a blanket over my spread legs. One of the nurses spoke,"Okay Luna we're gonna give you a shot that'll take some of the pain away and a sedative so that your body heat won't burn it off so fast." I nodded at her then she turned to my IV and put the liquids in with a needle. After a few minutes my bones felt a little numb and the pain was dull. The doctor finally spoke,"Okay I can see a head, I'm gonna need you to push-"

As much as I was terrified of him right now I still needed him with me,"wait what about Robert?"

The doctor looked up at me shocked but spoke calmly,"No. I cannot allow that. With a due respect Luna the Alpha is unfit to be around you and this child. His wolf is out of control and has taken over his body. He is unpredictable and dangerous. Now I'm going to need you to push now." 

I herd the boy next to me speak,"It's alright I'll be right here with you." I looked over into his, full of raw emotion, and silently nodded at him and began to push. Each push drained my energy, finally after what seemed like forever I could hear the sweet cries of my angel. In that moment a spark of hope filled up my body.

I looked up at the boy with happy teary eyes and smiled,"it's all better now. Everything is perfect."

After cleaning my baby they handed it to me,"Congratulations Luna. You have a baby girl."

I gently carried her closer to me and held her small delicate body close to mines,"A baby girl. My baby girl." 

The boy next to me spoke,"She's beautiful...just like her mother. What are you going to name her?" 

I looked down at my angel and her eyes opened for the first time. They were Hazel with gold on the rims of her pupils. I was marveled by their beauty,"I think I'll name her Hazel." 

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