Brotherly Love

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.......Robert's P.O.V..........

As the sun rose I could see the rays of light leak through the window and land on my beautiful mate. I felt to at peace being with her. It pains my heart to know that she's been through so much but I felt pride in her strength. She was smiling in her sleep as if a big weight had been lifted off her chest. Then I remembered what we talked about last night. 


"No. I should have got you sooner. Matter fact I should have never let you out my sight in the first place. Maybe then you-"

"It's not your fault Robert. You did what you could. And plus how would you have know your brother would kidnap me. Please don't beat yourself-"

"My brother?"

"Um...Did I say that?" 

"Yes. You said my brother kidnapped you. Did he do this to you?"

"Well...umm...yes and no...he didn't take me but...I can't say anymore or something bad is gonna happen."

"I'm gonna kill that bastard. Did he threaten you?"



I could feel my wolf just itching to come out so that we could kill the bastard. My blood was boiling and I could feel my claws retracting. I climbed out of bed so that I wouldn't lose control and harm her. I stumped out into the hallway breathing heavy. I'm sure if some one saw my eyes they would be black right now. "JACKSON!" I started heading towards his room. When I got to his room I kick the door off it's hinges and the girl he was in bed with jumped behind the bead in fear. Jackson got up with her looking surprised . 

"What the hell Rob. Why did you do that."

I used my speed to quickly get to him and grab his neck,"You filth piece of crap. When I'm done with you you'll be begging for mercy  but it'll be to late because I won't have any to give."


I was so busy thinking of different ways to kill him I didn't notice my beta and mate enter the room.

"Alpha what's going on?"

"Take this scumbag to the cells and throw away the key! I'll decide what to do with you later." I threw him on the ground and Eric immediately got him up and took him out the room. I looked over at Jasmine and I could see the conflict in her eyes. She didn't know weather she should be afraid or comforting me. I turned around so that she wouldn't have to see me the way I was. I took deep breaths and ended up breathing in her mouth watering scent. She smelt like sweet vanilla and honey. My I felt my body stop shaking and my wolf was calm knowing that or mate was near us. When I turned around and looked in her eyes she looked amazed and skeptical at the same time. "Hey"


I couldn't stop myself from getting lost in her beautiful deep dark brown eyes that seemed to see right though my soul. For the first time in my life someone has made me feel vulnerable. Alphas are know for being very prideful, strong, and intimidating but when I'm with Jasmine I feel like she is just absolutely too good for me. Yet I wouldn't let her go if I had the chance. I'd give everything up just to have her. When I am with her it's like my heart has stopped but is beating faster at the same time. There you go sounding like a girl again. I mentally rolled my eyes at my stupid wolf's comment and shut him out. I was so lost in her eyes I didn't notice she was standing right in front of me.

She gently placed her hand on my face and gave me a soft smile,"You didn't have to do that for me."

"I did. I have to make him pay for causing us so much pain."

She looked at me confused,"Us?"

I grabbed her hand and kissed it,"Yes us. Your pain is my pain. All that time you was away from me I couldn't eat or sleep. My heart felt so empty and I was lost in fear. Fear of losing you and never being able to see, hold, or touch you again." She looked so surprised by my words. What surprised me was she crashed her lips into mines with so much passion and need. I responded with the same enthusiasm but broke the kiss up after a little bit. "There is some thing I want to show you."

I pulled her out the room with me. We went down that main stairs and out the back door to the back yard. "Jas...can I show you my wolf?" She looked at me with a fear in her eyes. "I promise he means you no harm. He has been itching to finally let his mate see him." She looked down and seemed to be thinking. 

After what felt like forever she finally looked up at me and nodded,"Yes i would like to see your wolf." I smiled down at her then gave her a peck on the cheek. I ran off behind a nearby tree and removed my clothes. After focusing on the image of my wolf in my head I completed my shift the walked from behind the tree over to Jasmine.

.......JASMINE's P.O.V............

His wolf was absolutely amazing and terrifying at the same time. I could just feel the power radiating off of his this black coat. He had white on the tip of his ears and tail. Going against the voice in my head screaming at me to run away I stepped closer and reached a shaky hand out to touch him. His coat was soft and thick. I pulled his head a little closed and rubbed both of his ears in my hands. "Wow your....beautiful." He licked my face and put his nose into the crook of my shoulder. He seemed to be in the middle of inhaling my scent when something came from the back of the house growling. I stiffened and Robert came in front of me in a protective way. I looked around him to see the other wolf then I notice it was Jackson. Fear coursed through my entire body. I was more afraid of him hurting Robert than me. It all happened so fast I didn't even have time to react. Jackson's medium sized amber wolf charged towards Roberts large black wolf causing them to tackle each other to the ground. Jackson was on top trying to bite at Robert's jaw. Robert flipped them over at got a bite of his shoulder. There was so much blood I couldn't look. I opened my eyes when I herd another growl come from the trees. A grey wolf emerged and was staring at Robert as if her were prey. I let out a scream and Robert looked over at me. Jackson used his moment of distraction to flip them over at took a bite out of Robert's shoulder. Deciding not to sit there looking helpless I ran inside to look for anything or anyone that could help. When I got inside I saw the maids, cooks, butlers, and a few other people on the ground with there neck's snapped. One of the Butler lay life less with a shot gun in his hand. I grabbed the shot gun and ran out side. It took me forever to figure out how to load it but when I did I couldn't even get a clear shot without possibly harming Robert. Suddenly an idea popped in my head,"Hey Jackson." He looked up at me and saw the gun. The other wolf got off Robert and started advancing towards me. Maybe I didn't think this threw. The grey wolf pounced on me and tried to bite my but the gun was in the way. I couldn't stop the tears from coming down I kept thinking to myself. Well this is how I'm gonna die a broken coward. The flashbacks of everything Jackson did to me over and over in my mind. I was so angry that after all that he's done to me he had the nerve to go after MY mate. I didn't know I had my finger on the trigger until a loud bang rang out causing my ears to ring and my body to go into shock. I put my hands to my ears and could feel my heart pounding so loud and I could feel my self slipping in and out of conciseness.

........ROBERT's P.O.V...........

I could feel the an adrenaline rush through my veins as the need to protect my mate over powered my wolf's body. After watching the grey wolf approach I flipped us so that Jackson was under me. I secured his lips making sure he couldn't easily get loose. After successfully snapping at his jaw I decided to end him buy biting out his jugular. I watched the life leave his eyes and was about to charge at the other wolf when I heard a loud shot. I looked over at my mate who was clutching her ears under he dead wolf. I saw she was about to faint so I shifted and ran over to her. Removing the dead wolf off her I picked her up then ran in the house to find the pack doctor. I saw all the severnt's dead bodies on the ground along with two of my fighters. Anger coursed through me at the sight of my pack harmed. I use my speed to get us to the other side of the house, the packs infirmary, in less than three minutes. "Doc I need assistance she seems to be having some type of anxiety attack!" I placed her on the white bed near the wall and waited by her side." 

"Okay I'll figure out what's wrong Alpha but I need you to wait outside in the waiting room."

I reluctantly left and sat down on the brown soft padded chair. The only thing on my mind was my mate. Please let her be okay.

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