Not Over You

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"YOU DID WHAT!!!", Jasmine picks up a pink floral vase off the kitchen table and throws it at Chase. Chase's eyes nearly pop out of his head as he ducks out of the way.

"You have to understand was the only way I could at least give you a fighting chance. If I didn't agree to help him...he...he would have taken you with or without your permission-"

"That's not the freakin point Chase! Why would you give him false hope like that?...There's no way I can go back to him."

"Why not...don't you and your wolf want him?"

"Yes of coarse every single second of every single god damn day....but last time I saw him he...he wasn't himself and I can't just go living with someone that's a threat to my daughter."

"Jasmine what are you so afraid of its been years since that day and yes I've been here with you the whole time and I will forever be there for you but...being here with you I...I can't do this my whole life. I want to find my mate and hopefully be that you don't make me happy but not the way I've always wished to be happy. I don't know maybe it's because you wern't born a wolf...but if you was you would know that from the first moment you learn about what a mate is you wait and wait for that one special girl that'll make the sun seem a little brighter and the air seem so much clearer. I'm not just doing this for me though Jaz I've...I've been meaning to tell you that if you don't go back to him soon your soul will start to slowly die and you'll both turn into blood thirsty wolves before you die slowly."

Jasmine stays silent and walks over to the couch to sit down. "Chase?"

Chase watches her carefully, "huh?"

" you think he's changed?" She looks up at him with teary pleading eyes.

Chase moves to the couch, sits downs next to her, and hugs her. "Honestly...I don't know. Losing a mate changes people Jaz but if anyone can get the old Robert back it's you I'm sure of that."

Jasmine sighs,"I don't know what...what if it doesn't work? I'll just end up being hurt all over again." She turns around towards the steps and starts walking up them,"I...I'm gonna go check on Hazel."


"Don't Chase just...I'll think about it okay." Chase nods and without another word Jasmine walked up the stairs.

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