Escape and Capture

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"What the f@#$ this guy must be crazy. First of all werewolves don't exist...accept for in twilight or something and even if they did wouldn't the president like tell us about it or something." Groaning I put my hand over my face,"Life is so complicated first I went to that lame party then I get kidnapped by some crazy guy who thinks that he's half wolf half witch. I just wish I could go home." Sitting up feeling determined I thought,"I gotta think of some type of escape plan."

"Hey are you hungry." I jumped when I heard his voice coming from the door. Ignoring him I resisted the urg to look over at him, he sighs,"You haven't eaten or talked to me in four days how long are you gonna keep this up?"

I turn my back to him still not wanting to look at his face. "Even if it is extremely cute. Gosh I've gotta stop thinking like that",I shook my head at my stupid thoughts. Feeling the bed dip, I froze, his warm breath on the side of my face.

"You're supposed to look at someone when they talk to you." For some reason my body starts leaning into him and I couldn't help but shiver at the sound of his voice.

I reluctantly turn around and look at his face to see he's smiling. Seeing his amusement I get angry,"What the hell are you smiling at? Is everything I do a freakin joke to you, don't you see I don't want to be here in this house held captive by you and you crazy ass." His face changes from amusement to anger in one second. Noticing his mood change I get off the bed, think of the best way to handle the situation, I bolt for the open door, but don't get far because he lifts me off the ground and tossed me on the bed. Landing on my back I attempt to sit up at move. I'm pushed back down whe he climbed on top of me and held my hands over my head. Shaking I close my eyes and plead,"Please don't bite me again! I'm sorry!"

I wait for him to sink his teeth into my neck but it never happens. I peek through my eyes and see his hurt filled eyes looking down at me he yells in fustration,"I'm not trying to hurt you okay!"

He gets up and stormes out the room. Looking around, I notice that he left the door open. I smile thinking to myself,"Looks like someone made a big mistake." Quickly rushing to the closet I find a small bag, put one change of clothes in it, and run down the hall to the stairs.

Once I'm down the stairs I get to the kitchen, open the giant fridge, and put some fruit and bread in my bag. Leaving the kitchen I look around to find the front door. "I better hurry before I run out of luck and he finds out I'm not in the room" ,I quickly, but quietly open and close the front door. Once I get outside I notice the whole house is surrounded by the dark. Scary. Woods. Swallowing my fear, I run away from the house and into the forest.

Breathing heavy with sweat sticking to every part of my body I continue to move through the thick trees. Running through the treeline I see a breathtakingly beautiful clearing. I take a minute to enjoy the beautiful scenery around me. The lush green grass was being swayed by the gentle night wind. Surrounded by the soft grass was a mesmorizing waterfall at the edge of a moutain. The moutain's rock seemed to reflect the moons light along with the water. I sit at the edge of the water to relax and enjoy some food, but halfway through eating my apple I hear twigs snapping and growling. Freezing I slowly trun and look towards were the noise came from and see big threatening amber eyes staring back at me through the darkness. The large brown wolf moves slowly towards me, showing it's large dangerious teeth at me. Attempting to calm it I put my hand up in serrender,"Nice wolf. You don't wanna eat me I taste onions and umm...and dirt."

Snarling the wolf takes one last step infront of me. Right in front of my eyes the large brown wolf's face morphed into a man's head. My eyes grow larger, and he lets out a sinnister laugh and whispers,"Boo"

Screaming I turn and run the other way. Before I could get very far the wolf/man pounces on me causing me to fall to the ground. Hitting the ground my head is the last thing to make contact with the earth. Still in shock I reach a shaky and up to touch my head, bringing my hand infron of my blurry vision, I black out once I see the massive amout of blood on my head.

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