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Sighing to myself I think,"There goes that noise again. I hate hospitals." 

I've been here for months but the problem is I can't open my eyes or move. So whenever someone comes in to visit I can hear them just fine, but they don't know. The only good part about this is that I've learned a lot more about Robert since he's the only person that visits me. I am so grateful that he finally came and found me. I just wish he came before it was too late.

I don't even want to think about how he'll treat me after he finds out what Jackson did to me. I hear someone come in the room. It's probably Robert.

"Hey Jasmine how are you doing?" He sighs,"Ugh never mind that was a stupid question. I just. I just miss you so much. I know we haven’t gotten to know each other and you probably hate what I am, but I. I still want you to know that I love you."

My heart flutters when he says that,"Come on Jasmine focus you gotta wake up and tell him how you feel." 

My pep talk ends when I noticed he was sniffing from crying," Please Jasmine I need you I don't think I can take another day of constantly worrying if you're gonna wake up or stay like. Like this."

He stops talking, I could hear him leaving, so I tried to open my eyes again. After trying a couple times my vision was flooded by bright white lights. I closed my eyes again then slowly opened them to see Robert already gone. I open my mouth and tried to call him, but my voice came out quiet and raspy. Dragging my legs over the left side of the bed I unplug all the tubes that were attached to me and get up to walk. After stumbling a couple times I finally reach the door. When I exit the hospital like area I notice I'm in a long hallway with burgundy red colored carpet and cream colored walls.

Stumbling down the hall, I try to call Robert again, "Robert. Robert." While walking further down the hall I see that I passed by a couple of doors. I got the big double door-ed room and open the doors breathing out,"Robert?" I look around the room and see there is a huge queen sized bed in the middle covered in red silk sheets, but the beautiful room and bed didn't grab my attention. In the middle of the bed Robert was laying there faced down. Suddently he looked up, I could see the dark bags under his eyes, and his tear stained face with red puffy eyes. There was a moment of silence before any of us spoke.

Looking at me with confusion he asked,"Jasmine?"

Giving him a warm smile I answered,"Robert."

He shot up from the bed and stood in front of me just looking. Too afraid to touch me, almost like I would dissapear if he did. Moving his hand close to my cheek he ask in disbelief,"Is. Is that really you?"

I smiled at him while leaning my face into his hand, allowing him to touch my cheek, and answered,"In the flesh."

A few more tears slip from his eyes, but he still smiled at me and admitted,"I thought I would never be able to talk to you again-"

I look into his eyes searching for something unknown and asked,"You came back for me. Why?"

He looks back into my eyes with a serous face, "Because I. I love you Jasmine."

I don't know what got into me next, but as soon as he said that I kiss him with so much passion. He was stiff at first from being surprised but soon he matched my eagerness. He licked my lips asking for permission and I didn't hesitate to grant it. When we started getting too heated I started to pull away. Not because I didn't want to kiss him but all the physical contact was causing me to have flashbacks of that day. 

After pulling away, I looked up at Robert and he looked scared, "What's wrong did I do something you didn't like...I'm sorry I won't do it again please forgive me." I just looked up at him in shock and began to historically laugh while clutching my stomach. "What's so funny?"

"Nothing....Nothing I...I just think its funny how someone like you could care so much about someone someone like me."

He gives me a confused look, "Someone like you?”

I freeze noticing what I said and clutch the hospital gown tighter, "Umm...where's the bathroom I could really use a shower." He shows me to the bathroom so I start walking towards it, forgetting that you can see a little bit of my back behind the hospital gown.

"What the hell is that?" I freeze in place and turn around only to find him right in front of me.

" what?" I look up at his face and notice his eyes turning black and I start shaking out of fear.

"This." He turns me around and presses me up against the closed bathroom door. Then he rips the back of the gown open and traces the long scar down my back and I wince. As he leans down to whisper in my ear his voice sounds deep, husky, deadly, and sexy all at the same time, "Who did this to you."

"’re hurting me." As soon as i said that I felt his body soften and he backed up a little. I turned around and looked at his face to see how sad and worried he looked.

Softly grabbing my chin he moves my head so I could look into his eyes,"Jas what happened back there?"

I stand there panicking and before he can say anything else I quickly open the bathroom door and go in while closing and locking the door behind me. Sliding down the door I began to cry thinking,"I can't tell him what happened. He'll never look at me the same again and I'll just be thrown to the side like a common hore. He can't love a girl like me." I get up and turn the shower on letting it warm up before stepping in and drifting into my train of thought.

Is This Love? (#Wattys2015)Where stories live. Discover now