The Alpha

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Staring out of his window, Jackson picked up his ringing cell phone. Answering he asked,"What is it?"

The voice on the line said,"Alpha. Clark is back."

Jackson asked,"Is he alone?"

The voice hesitated before answering,"Yes sir."

Sighing he said,"Send him in", and hung up the phone. Five minutes later there was a slow knock at the door. Jackson answered with a cold dangerous voice,"Enter."

Clark slowly walked into Jackson's office, making sure to be very cautious with his movements. After a few minutes of silence he asked,"You. You wanted to see me Sir?"

Ignoring his question Jackson asked,"Clark why do you think I sent you and Alexis on this mission?"

Confused, Clark stated,"I'm not sure what you mean Sir."

Jackson reminded,"I specifically remember you saying that you would see to it that the job is done." Turning around to face Clark, he asked,"You did say that right?"

Clark swallowed and nervously nodded answering,"Yes Sir. I uh. I did say that."

After moving over to his desk and sitting down he calmly said,"Ah see that's where I'm having my problem here. You see not only did you not get the girl. But you had the nerve to show up on my territory with no Alexis too."

Clark tried to explain,"Well we ran into some problems Sir and." Jackson put his hand up to silence him.

Shaking his head Jackson said,"Clark. Clark. Clark." Sighing he continued,"What am I going to do with you?"

Clark pleaded,"Please Sir just give me a couple more days I promise." J

Jackson laughed cutting him off and asked,"Wait isn't that what you did last time?" His goofy smile quickly turned into a cold hard face,"I don't plan on making the same mistake twice Clark." He reached and pressed the small red button on his desk. Seconds later two big bulky men dressed in black suits entered the office.

Clark shook his head, looking terrified, asking,"No please Sir. Don't do this I can do better I promise."

Folding his hands together Jackson said,"See I'm afraid that's a sacrifice that I'm not willing to make." Looking at the men in black Jackson said,"Take care of it."

They responded,"Yes Alpha", and dragged a begging Clark out of the room. Reaching in his pocket he took a small old crinkled photo out of his pocket. Kissing the picture Jackson said,"Soon we will be together my love." After putting the photo back in his pocket he took out his phone. Dialing the number he spoke when the person on the other line answered. "Ah just the person I needed to talk to." His voice got serious as he said,"I need you to do a job for me."


Sorry for the short chapter but I was trying to figure out how I wanted things to go for this one. Lol I also apologise if you guys don't think Jackson is evil enough. It's actualy harder than I thought to potray bad guys. SO I HOPE YOU ENJOYED IT <3 and like always I hope yall have a great day and dont forget to comment, vote, and fan. Thanks for reading. 

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