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A long tense silence came over the living room. Jasmine and Robert sat on the couch together while Chase and Alexis sat across from them on the other couch. 

Alexis broke the silence, "Okay? What the hell is going on here?"

Chase, never stopping his continuous death glare at his brother, answered, "It seems that my brother is back and he thinks that Jasmine will just forget everything he put her through."

Robert, glaring back at his brother, snapped back, "She has forgiven me. That's what mates are for...when one of us makes a mistake we forgive each other. I wouldn't expect you to understand that."

Chase bit back,"See if you would have been in our lives all this time you would've known that I have found my mate....right Alexis?"

Alexis put her hands up in surrender, "Hey don't put me in the middle of you your little Aplha-ego-battle." Jasmine lets out a small laugh at Alexis's response, Alexis look at Jasmine with hate, "I though you were leaving?"

Jasmine's smile fades,"Listen here you little bi-"

Chase warns Jasmine,"I though we already discussed this? Jasmine do not talk to my mate that way."

Jasmine stands,"Wern't you the one just apologizing for treating me like this? This is the main reason why I forgave Robert. I'm so tired of your shit."

Trying not to show his shock Chase says,"Look if you're so tired of me why don't you just leave then."

Looking hurt and angry she bites back,"Fine then." Walking over to the stairs she stops before going up and turns around,"Oh and Chase did you not think it was a good idea to ask your little mate why she was trying to kidnap my child in the first place? Or do you just not give a damn about your niece?" Jasmine walks upstairs to once again get Hazel to leave Chase.

Looking torn Chase sits down on the couch and looks at a nervous Alexis. "Why did you try to take Hazel?"

Alexis sighs,"Look I could get killed by telling you so why don't we just both agree to disagree and not talk about it."

Robert spoke in a threatening voice,"I'd advise you to tell us. You've got all the protection you need righ here."

She looked at Robert,"You don't understand this guy he's stronger than any alpha. I don't know what it is but he has this unspoken power and anyone who has tried to defeat him has not survived."

Robert let out a deep chuckle,"We are more than just a couple of regular Alphas. What's this guy's name."

Alexis let out a shaky breath,"His name is Jackson."

"WHAT!" Everyone looked at the stairs and saw a terrified looking Jasmine holding Hazel. She put Hazel down on the bottom stair and walked over to Alexis. When she was right in front of her, before anyone could stop it, she pulled her hand back and slapped Alexis. Alexis's head snapped to the righ and she put her hand up to old her cheek.

The room stays silent, not eve Chase says anything, after she recovered from her shock Alexis pushed Jasmine and yelled,"What the hell is your problem?"

Jasmine yells back,"What gives you the fucking right to come here and lie. This isn't a game you know, you can't just screw up people's lives." She began to cry,"He can't be alive. He just can't." She looks behind Alexis to see a conflicted looking Chase then looked over to an Angry looking Robert.

Making eye contact with his mate Robert could see, the once strong woman that had been spending all this time from him healing her wounds, regress back into the sad broken little girl that left him after that day in the hospital. He moved to her and was able to catch her before she lost her balance, he held her close to her and whispered into her ear,"It's okay. It's okay. I swear on my life, he will not touch a hair on your head alright." She nodded but didn't respond with words.

Robert looked up at Alexis with determination,"Where is he?"

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