Battle Fields

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"How long is this going to take?" Robert slamed his fist on his desk as his beta went over the details of their millitary plans. "I don't care what it takes we have more men, more training, and more military experience than any rogue."

His beta replied,"I agree sir but they are ruthless and have no mercy for prisoners. Don't let your cockiness, anger cloud your judgement, and cost us hundreds of pack members."

Towering over him in seething anger Robert bites back, "My brother is in a comma, his mate, my mate, and my child are off somewhere with that bastard. I should be storming up there myself and killed every single one of those bastards with my bare hand, but no I'm here discussing rational military plans with you . So do not speak to me about self control!"

The beta puts his head down and replies,"yes alpha." Robert sighs, feeling bad for yelling at his long time friend. "Look just get the plans together and have everyone ready to head out in three days. I want the women and children escorted to the pack house in Maine." The beta nods and leaves Robert's office. Picking up his glass of brandy he takes a sip snd sits back in his chair.

"Don't worry I'm coming for you Jasmine "

-More to come soon I promise.

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