Ch. 10

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WHEN HECTOR PARKS his bike at school and takes off his helmet, he looks around and spots Rachel's blue car at the back.

His chest hurts a little. What kind of face should he wear if they meet? Or worse, will she just ignore him? Hector thinks.

The whole day Hector looks around for her. During the breaks, on the way to his next class, at lunch in the cafeteria. But he doesn't see her.

It dawns on him how separated Rachel and him are. They don't share a class or a club, or have any mutual friends. It was only during the tutoring sessions he got to see her.

Now she's unreachable.

Hector anxiously rubs his neck where the collar of his jacket would've rested against if he wore one today. He had decided to stop wearing jackets.

But it feels odd. In spite of the circumstances he started wearing them in, he has grown to love leather jackets. However, now it has suddenly become a morbid reminder of the violent past that still lingers.

After the school is over, Hector walks to his bike with heavy steps. The whole day has not been good. He's anxious.

When he's near, he sees a large brown paper bag hanging down from one of the handles on his bike. Hector takes it off and looks inside.

There's the black leather jacket he left over the kittens that night, along with a steel tiffin box and a folded paper.

Hector immediately takes the paper out, unfolds it and starts reading the handwritten letter.

I thought you'll get mad at me for returning it this late, so I'm leaving the jacket on your bike.

I'm sorry for taking it. I saw it was getting wet so I picked it up without thinking.

I dried it properly and kept it rolled, so it should be in a good condition.

About the day I got sick, thanks a lot for taking me to the hospital and later to your house.

As for your mom, I'm not keeping anything to heart so don't worry about it.

That day I was still shaken a bit so I kept quiet when you drove me home. But I wasn't mad at you or anything.

I'm really sorry for bothering you that day. But I'm also very grateful. So I made you some chocolate cookies as a thank you.

And about what you asked at the parking lot, when it was raining heavily, although I'm not sure if I heard you right...

I don't hate you. I just get flustered sometimes because of the way you talk.

I think you're nice and kind.

At least to kittens.

PS: Please burn this paper after reading it and discard its ashes.

Hector laughs at the last few sentences. He neatly folds the letter and safely tucks it away inside his pant pocket. He takes out the box, opens it and takes a bite of one of the cookies.

He then pulls out his jacket from the bag, gives it a shake and wears it. He takes a deep breath. It feels good to have the weight of it on his shoulders. It also feels soothing, but Hector doesn't think that's because of the jacket itself.

She doesn't hate him, Hector thinks, before getting up on his bike and riding away.

NEXT DAY AT school, Rachel skews her lips deep in thought in front of the computer. She types out a couple of sentences, then deletes them all.

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