Ch. 16

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It's when she sees the expression on Hector's face change that Rachel realizes she's crying.

Hector immediately gets off his bike and comes to her. "Hey, what happened?" he says. 

Rachel sniffs while more tears stream down.

Hector glances at the yellow building behind the stop, then back at Rachel. "Is it your sister?"

Rachel doesn't say anything and tries to wipe away her tears.

Hector unbuckles his helmet, takes it off and puts it on her head. Rachel stops crying and looks up surprised.

"Come on," he says, leading her towards his bike.

Rachel pulls back. "What are you doing?"

"I'm taking you for a ride."

Rachel understands he wants to help her calm down but she looks at the bike, scared.

"It's safe," Hector says, reading her mind. But he's not sure how she'll find the ride to be since he had never let anyone ride with him before.

From the bike Rachel looks to Hector. "Your helmet?"

Hector says, "I don't need one."

Rachel shakes her head, and grabs the bottom of the oversized and heavy helmet that's loosely dangling on her head to take it off.

Hector holds her hands. "Alright," he says, "the shop I visit is just nearby. We can pick up a helmet there before we leave. Keep this on for now."

Leave to where? Rachel wants to ask. But she lets it be and nods.

Hector climbs onto the bike first and points her to the small footrest at the back. "Use that to climb up," he says.

Rachel presses her left foot against the tiny footrest, but doesn't get enough support to pull herself up and throw her other leg over the seat.

"Hold my shoulder, too," Hector says.

Rachel does as he said. By putting her weight both on his shoulder and the footrest, she manages to climb to the backseat.

After seated, Rachel faces her next hurdle: What is she supposed to hold onto? She looks to left and right as if there might be a handrail she misses to see. Then she glances at the back. There's a small handle like structure protruding towards the road. Is she supposed hang onto that? But that would be difficult, Rachel thinks.

"Hold onto me," Hector says, who doesn't notice Rachel still looking around her for handles, and starts the engine and drives right away.

Startled by the bike's sudden motion, Rachel grabs onto whatever her instinct guided her to. Since his shoulders seemed too far up, Rachel caught the sides of Hector's jacket.

Hector feels a slight tug at his waist.

Soon they reach the mechanic shop. While Hector leaves her side to get the helmet, Rachel glances around at the shop.

She has been meaning to service her car. But all the places she had inquired so far have been expensive for her.

And by the looks of the luxury cars lined up in this shop, Rachel doesn't have to second guess if she can afford to bring her car here or not.

Hector spots his mechanic, Bo, working at the back. "Hey, Bo, I need a small helmet," he says.

"Small?" Bo says, recognizing the voice. When he looks up from under the hood, Bo sees Hector's bike parked at the entrance. A girl wearing Hector's helmet is standing next to the bike looking to her left and right at the cars.

"Who's that?" Bo says.

"A friend," Hector says.

Bo smiles. "Just a friend? We don't carry small size helmets at the shop. But I've got a couple of my girlfriend's in the office. I'll bring one for yours. It should fit," Bo says.

"Thanks, man," Hector says, ignoring the implied girlfriend reference.

After Bo disappears into his office, Hector glances at Rachel who seems to be taken in by the shop as if this is the first time she is seeing a place like this.

Even though the ride to the shop was quick, Hector thinks, it's good she seems to be fine riding with him. 

End of chapter

A/N — Last week of 2023? Where did the year go? 😅 — Hope you get some time off to rest and celebrate the holidays :) See you next week! Buh bye! 

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