Ch. 41

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When Rachel gets off from her car, the first thing she notices is the crowd in front of the school. Moira and Annie hurry over to Rachel. "It's Hector," they say, "He's in a fight."

Rachel joins the spectators and watches in fear Hector beating up a student. Soon Hector's friends arrive and pull him from the boy.

The crowd breaks up, and shortly the principal's voice is heard over the speakers asking Hector Sabith to come see him in his office.

Rachel spends the day worrying about Hector. Irrespective of what the fight was about or who started it, to punch a guy who had already fallen, that's not Hector for her.

When she can no longer bear it, during the break period Rachel looks for Hector's class. When she doesn't see him or his friends in the room, she thinks she found the wrong one. But just in case, she asks a girl exiting the room if Hector's in this class. The boy next to the girl tells Rachel Hector and his friends hang out at the old game room during breaks.

Rachel knows where the room is. Until a couple of years ago, when she was in the chess club, she used to visit that room often. Then a larger, newly renovated space was assigned for board games. It seems the old one is left unoccupied.

When Rachel crosses the old familiar doorway, she sees Hector, Vince, Tate and a couple more boys sitting on the cement stage at the back of the room.

The boys notice her. Rachel stays by the door. Hector stares at her. She looks away. The rest of the boys glance between the two.

Vince nudges at Tate. "Let's leave."

Everyone except Hector stands up and walks out of the room.

Rachel goes over to the stage. When she's close enough, she notices the bandage above Hector's eye. Either the old wound hadn't healed yet, or it had reopened during the fight, she thinks.

"Are you okay?" Rachel asks.

"Don't I look okay to you?" Hector says. 

"Did you get detention?"

"For a couple of days."

Holding back further questions, Rachel looks down at her feet.

"What? You're not going to ask me what the fight was about or you think I'm just a dumb jock to who picking a fight with someone is just another day in school?" Hector says. 

"What I'm thinking is how to get you to talk to me about anything without making you angry about it."

"Really?" Hector says, straightening up from leaning back on his elbows, "I thought that was my thing. Because the last time I tried talking to you, you got upset. Even thought I was going to hurt you."

"I'm sorry," Rachel quickly says, "I'm really sorry about that day, Hector, I shouldn't have. I was just mad at you for keeping bringing up Ricky with me."

Hector jumps off the stage and stands before Rachel. "Why are you mad if I say anything bad about him?" He angrily asks.

"He was just trying to be helpful."

"And I just bring you trouble?" Hector says.

"What am I supposed to say if you keep talking to me like this?"

"Leave," Hector says, "Isn't that what you always do?"

Rachel bites her trembling lips, trying not to tear up. "I don't want to leave. Stop pushing me away."

"I'm pushing you away? You are the one who didn't want to talk to me about your college application and parents."

"Then if I tell you everything, you'll tell me what happened today?" Rachel says.

Hector scoffs. "It's too late. There's nothing left to say between us," he says and crosses Rachel to leave.

Rachel stops him by his arm. "Hector, please, list—"

Hector turns around, grabs the back of her head and forces a kiss on her lips.

Rachel freezes for a moment, before a tear drops down her eye. She's not angry. She doesn't hate it. But her chest hurts.

Rachel pushes him away, and with one last look, full of ache, she leaves.

Hector remains standing on the spot. His chest hurts too. 

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