Ch. 26

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Hector watches Rachel working on her laptop in Bo's office. He's relieved the two of them had sorted out their misunderstanding from before.

Hector wasn't entirely truthful to tell her that he was only bothered by Ricky's unnecessary offer to help.

It was more than an offer by Ricky to help tutor Hector and his friends. Ricky knows that. Hector knows that. Only Rachel doesn't.

Hector doesn't like that Rachel and Ricky are growing closer to each other. But he can't come out and say it either. Because then Rachel would want to know why? Why does it bother him?

"What are you doing here anyway?" Rachel says, feeling conscious of his stare.

"Had asked Bo for some parts for the Ford," Hector says.

"What Ford?"

Hector tells Rachel about the car he and his late grandfather used to restore.

"You're going to work on it by yourself?" Rachel says.

"I can do it. My grandpa had taught me everything I need to know. And for anything else, there's Bo."

"That's nice," Rachel says.

"You want to see the car?"

"Well, maybe when you have restored it. You should drive that to school instead of riding the bike."

"You don't like my bike? You seemed to like it when I took you on a ride that day."

Rachel's face warms up. "It was scary," she says.

"You'll get used to it," Hector says.

The two of them go quiet afterwards wondering how could she possibly get used to it if there's no excuse to ride it again.

"How did you know I was here, too. Bo told you?" Rachel says.

"I saw your car and asked him."

Rachel is proud her car is now recognizable.

"It's the only cheap car in here, so it stood out," Hector adds, teasing her.

"Hey, that cheap car is the one that gave you a lift when your very expensive bike broke down under the pouring rain. Remember?"

"I remember," Hector says, "Thank you."

"Finally, a thanks."

"Thanks for bringing back the jacket too."

"It's o—"

"And keeping the other one safe—"

"That's enough."

"— safe and warm in your room."

"Stop," Rachel says, crushing a paper and throwing it at him.

Hector laughs.

Bo enters the office, rubbing his hands into a greasy cloth. "Alright, the car is fixed, Rachel. It won't trouble you again. You can take it home."

"Oh, thank you so much! How much do I owe you now?"

"Just leave me your contact details," Bo says, picking up and handing her a form, "I will send you the bill for the first installment when I have the time."

Feeling grateful Rachel fills the form and hands it back to Bo. After thanking him again, and saying bye to Hector, Rachel takes her car and drives away from the shop happier than she came in.

Bo takes out from under his desk the car part Hector came here for. "Here you go," he says, putting it inside a polythene bag.

Hector takes out a couple of hundred dollar bills from his wallet and gives it to Bo.

"You already paid for it," Bo says.

"It's for her repairs," Hector says.

Bo takes it with a smirk. "And you said she was just a friend."

"For now," Hector says before picking up the bag and heading for his bike parked outside. 

End of chapter

A/N — Hey guys :) Just wanted to let you know a little change in schedule. Instead of near the weekends, I'm updating Rainstorm mid-week now. So happy weekday! :D 

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