Ch. 11

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Sunday afternoon, Rachel is at her sister, Agatha's, apartment, watching a yet-to-be-premiered episode of the reality show L.O.V.E., that's to be pronounced as El-Oh-Vee-Ee as mentioned by the show's director RiRi Stomper, a friend of Agatha. 

"So, what do you think?" RiRi asks from the other side of the couch to Rachel. The show is based on teen love, and RiRi wanted Rachel's opinion since Rachel falls in the targeted audience's demographics.

"It's good," Rachel says, however, she's not sure what the story is about or if there's any story all. It just seemed like a group of teens talking about love.

RiRi satisfactorily nods. "Of course, it's good. First two episodes have already reached the highest TRPs for the show's time slot," RiRi says, "So, Rachel what do you think love is?"

"What do you mean?" Rachel says. 

"You saw the game they played right? If you have to pick one thing that means love for you what would that be?"

Rachel can't think of just one. The teens at the show said words like, trust, fun, beauty, and service. But Rachel is just unable to pick only one.

"I don't know. How can just one thing be love?" Rachel says.

"Of course, love can't be just one thing, but it can start as one thing. It can start as infatuation, camaraderie, even annoyance. What makes you fall in love?"

Rachel shakes her head. "I don't know," she says.

"You've never liked a boy? A crush?"

Rachel shakes her head again.

RiRi looks at Agatha. "Did you not teach your sister anything?"

Agatha says, "Leave her alone. If you teach her unnecessary things, I'll be in trouble with our parents."

"How can love be unnecessary?" RiRi says and turns to Rachel. "How about this? Think about the  boys  you know, like from your school or from the neighborhood, and if you have to pick one of them to be your boyfriend, who would it be?"

Rachel starts to think but the door bell rings. Pizza has arrived.

NEXT DAY AT School, Rachel asks the question to her friends, Moira and Annie. Moira says, "Similarity. Nelson and I clicked because we both love swimming. It's something we love to do together."

Annie takes a little longer to respond. "Maturity. I suppose you can also call it as responsibility. I think it's hot when a guy is responsible. What about you?"

Rachel sighs. "I don't know."

"You're smart," Moira says, "Maybe you like intelligence in boys."

Rachel thinks it would indeed be possible that she could admire someone very smart. But that's not it.

The classes begin. Later they go through lunch break, and then the afternoon classes. Eventually school hours are over, and Rachel still hasn't found the answer.

At the computer lab, Rachel watches Ricky edit their project's document. Ricky is smart, she thinks. But it doesn't make her like him like that.

"What?" Ricky says, pausing the typing and looking at her.

"What?" Rachel says.

"Why are you staring at me?" Ricky says. 

"I was just checking if you were editing it right," Rachel says.

"Do you want to edit?" Ricky says.

"No," Rachel quickly says, making him laugh.

Ricky says, "Well, I don't mind if you are taken by my handsome face. Stare all you want."

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