Ch. 20

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In the garage, Hector pulls down the Nylon cover. Dust spreads in the air above. Surprisingly, the old Ford looks clean.

As Hector touches the car, he is filled with gratitude, for having spent time with his grandfather restoring this car, and sadness, because that time was short lived.

Carefully, Hector starts inspecting the car. From its paint to the engine, he takes a closer look.

The engine seems to be in good condition. He also remembers the car was starting just fine back then. But the tires need to be replaced, and the seats are beyond repair.

The exhaust pipe and the tail lights could use a new lease of life as well.

Hector slowly steps back from the car. He crosses his arms while staring at its front.

Ever since he mentioned this car to Rachel at the mechanic shop, when they went to get her a helmet, Hector has been thinking about it.

He wants to resume its restoration.

Whatever little hesitation he has, Hector shakes it off. "Let's do it," he mutters.

DURING LUNCH AT school Hector sits down with his friends, Tate and Vince, at their usual table in the cafeteria.

Hector looks around. Tate and Vince start eating. When Vince notices Hector hasn't touched his food yet and seems to be searching for someone, he says, "Who are you looking for?"

Hector says, "No one," and starts eating his lunch.

He didn't see her yesterday, too, and the day before. And he doesn't want to make things weird between them by calling her to ask where she was.

After a minute, Hector looks around again and this time he spots her friends, Moira and Annie. Rachel is not with them.

At gym class, Hector sees Moira heading to the pool with her boyfriend Nelson.

After the class is over, Hector sends off a junior to ask Nelson to see him.

In the locker room, Hector hikes up his bag over to his shoulder when he sees Nelson walk in. "Hey, man," Nelson says.

"Hey, isn't your girlfriend friends with Rachel?" Hector says.

"Yeah, they are best friends. Why?"

"I need some notes from Rachel. But couldn't find her in school."

"Oh, she's out of country," Nelson says.

"Out of country?" Hector asks, a little surprised.

"Yeah, she won a big science competition. Part of the prize is she and her partner get to visit some large telescope in Chile."


"Yeah, she entered that competition with Ricky Marvin."

"So she has gone to Chile with him?"

"Yeah," Nelson says, "If it's urgent, I can ask Moira to pick up Rachel's notes from her house."

"No, it's not urgent. I'm good, thanks, man."

After Nelson leaves, Hector takes out his phone and opens Rachel's contact in the Messages app. His thumb poises over the "Text Message" field ready to type. But his mind is blank of what to say except to ask when she'll be back.

Without typing anything Hector puts his phone back into his pocket and starts walking.

Hector had once seen Ricky and Rachel leave the school together. They must've been working on the competition, Hector thinks. Although he has never talked to Ricky before, Hector knows who he is — His grandfather is in the school administration. He's one of the smart kids but is not a nerd. He does Judo. Comes from a well off background.

Hector stops walking and takes out his phone again, but this time he opens the Phone app, pulls up Rachel's contact and presses the round green button. 

End of chapter

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