Ch. 19

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"What happened?" Hector says after the waitress who brought their meals to the table leaves.

Rachel recalls her fight with Agatha to Hector.

Hector says, "I don't think it's your sister's fault her friends dropped by unexpected."

"I know," Rachel says, "It's not just about that... I don't know... I was just upset at her. I sometimes feel like we are growing apart. We used to be close. But after she quit law school and started working in the entertainment industry, we hardly get to hang out and even when we do, sometimes, I just... I don't know."

"You think she's changed? That you no longer know her as well as you used to?" Hector says.

Rachel silently nods.

"But she's still your sister. Whether you get her or not, I don't think it's that easy to rid of your family. Trust me, I know."

Rachel chuckles. "Fine. You win. You have it worse than me. I don't know how you handle it so well."

"I don't," Hector says, "I just have to go through it and come out the other side in one piece. That's all I can try to do."

Rachel feels like a child in presence of an adult. There's Hector who turns out to be the most popular kid in school in spite of having an abusive parent and then there's her who throws a tantrum because she couldn't spend more time with her sister.

But there's also something else. She had thought about it a lot of times, but could never ask him. Why hasn't Hector left that house? If he's as independent as he seems to be and neither of his parents care much about where he lives, why hasn't Hector moved out yet?

It's a question too personal it seems to Rachel, so she doesn't dare ask. Or maybe she's just a little scared to know more and more about him.

After their meal Hector drives Rachel to her home and drops her at the front of her place.

"Thanks," Rachel says, handing Hector the pink helmet she was wearing, "Thanks to the movie and the meal, I feel much better." As soon as she finished saying that Rachel realizes how she sounded like she was thanking Hector for a date.

"I had a good time, too," Hector says and stops himself from saying if maybe they should do this again sometime.

After an awkward nod and smile Rachel turns around and enters her home. In the kitchen she pours herself a glass of water, smiling. She finds it somewhat funny — Both that day and today. That day when Ricky took her out for coffee because she seemed upset, and today when Hector took her to watch a movie because she was crying.

Never could she have guessed that either of them can ever be this thoughtful, let alone towards her. Ricky used to annoy her and Hector used to terrify her. But today they both seem to be nice guys and maybe somewhat similar to her and each other.

Rachel takes a deep breath and pulls out her phone. It's time, Rachel thinks, that she calls back and apologizes to her sister. People change, Rachel learned today, and it's not always going to be in a way we had expected. It's only up to us how we respond to that change and make the best of our time with those we love.  

End of chapter

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