Ch. 31

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Rachel pinches the top of her dress to pull it up. "Stop touching it," her sister, Agatha, says.

It's the first time Rachel is wearing a sleeveless dress. She puts down her arms, trusting Agatha's words that the dress is not going to fall down.

They are at a formal party thrown by a rich acquaintance of Agatha's. Agatha needed a plus one and Rachel was free this evening.

For a while Rachel trails her sister around the room, feeling overwhelmed by the wealthy folks around. When she sees the buffet, she separates from Agatha to grab something to eat.

As Rachel reaches out for a plate a hand wraps around her arm and turns her around.

"Hector!" Rachel says, surprised to see him, "What are you doing here?"

"I could ask the same," he says.

"Came with my sister. She knows the host," Rachel says turning back to the buffet and picking up the plate. "You want one?" She asks.

"No," Hector says while following her as she fills her plate. "I thought you came here with Ricky."

Rachel looks at him. "Why? Is Ricky here?"

"No. But lately he's around everywhere where you are."

Rachel picks up a small pastry and pushes it into Hector's mouth. "Eat. You'll feel better."

Smiling, Hector chews on the food.

They move to the side to talk. A while later, a man appears next to them. "Hector, there you are," he says.

Hector looks like he wants to be left alone by the man. "Who is this young lady?" The man says.

"She's a friend from school," Hector reluctantly says.

"Oh great," the man says and extends Rachel a hand, "I'm Kevin Sabith, Hector's dad."

Rachel feebly shakes the hand.

"If you're done, could you please leave us alone?" Hector says.

Rachel tries to pretend she's not here while Kevin says, "Come on, it's been a while since we got to hang out."

"I'll see you later; It was nice meeting you, Mr. Sabith," Rachel quickly says to the both and tries to leave but Hector's hand closes around Rachel's wrist before she could take a step.

"We're busy, dad," Hector says.

Dejected, Kevin leaves them.

Rachel would've said Hector was rude if she wasn't aware of his somewhat estranged relationship with his parents.

"He sounds nicer than your mom," Rachel says, "Wait? Is she here too?" Rachel looks around hoping the woman who assaulted her isn't here.

"She is not," Hector says. It hurts him to see the panic in her eyes. That's how his eyes must've looked at the thought of his mother being home when he was a little boy.

Hector and Rachel take a table.

"You look just like your father," Rachel says, staring at his face. Hector looks handsome in a black suit with his hair combed back.

"So I've been told," he says, "for as long as I don't turn out like him."

"Is it that bad?" Rachel says. Hector must like his father to some degree at least given that he once mentioned of following his father's footsteps by studying business.

"Not always," Hector says, "Sometimes I like hanging out with him when it's just us. In a party like this though, he only needs something to show off."

"If it's any consolation, you make a great thing to show off," Rachel says.

"In that case, I'm available if you need me."

Rachel laughs. "Who would I even show off to?"

"You can start with Ricky."

Rachel takes an exasperated breath. "What's the vendetta between you two?"

"Nothing personal. I've just heard he's a selfish prick."

"He's not anymore. He's a nice person now."

"You mean, nice to you."

"Is there any other kind?" Rachel says, smiling.

Hector scoffs. "So that's what it takes for a guy to score you? Put up an act of prince charming?"

"Never hurts," Rachel says.

"Well too bad not all guys wear white and ride on horses all day," he says.

"So I have noticed."

"Noticed what?" Agatha says arriving at their table.

Rachel introduces Hector to her. While the two of them talk, Rachel thinks even if she can't find a prince charming in white riding on a horse, she should be careful not to settle for bad boys in black jackets riding their motorbikes. 

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