Ch. 30

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Hector sees Rachel and her friends sit down at the cafeteria. Then he sees Ricky on the other side, busy talking to his friends.

It doesn't look like there's anything between the two. Maybe they just met at the Expo, Hector thinks. He saw the photo of them Ricky posted on the Instagram.

Hector takes out his phone and sends her a message — Heard you were on a date with your boyfriend on Saturday. He sees Rachel notice her phone.

She reads the message. Surprised, she looks around and sees Hector across the cafeteria. Smiling, she shakes her head and types up a reply — Again, not my boyfriend. Before you ask me about my weekend though, shouldn't you at least tell me what you scored on the test?

She was expecting Hector to tell her the result he must've received on Friday but there was nothing from him the entire weekend.

Her phone dings. There's a reply from him — A+

She looks up and smiles at him. He smiles back before sending another message. Never broken a promise.

Feeling proud of her student, Rachel types — I know. That's why I've already got your gift.

What is it?

You'll see. I'll give it to you after school.

Chocolate cookies? Hector says, remembering the sweets she gave him last time with the thank you letter and his jacket.

I won't tell you. See you at the parking in the evening. Now I've to finish my lunch. Bye.

Hector looks at her. She puts down her phone over the table and starts eating.

IN THE EVENING, Hector arrives first at the parking lot and waits by her car.

Rachel arrives second. She was going to look for his bike but sees him next to her car.

Walking over to him, she thinks she should've made some cookies too to give him. "This eager for the gift? It's nothing fancy though," she says opening the car and taking out a large paper bag.

"Bo told me you paid for my car's repairs. Thanks," she says giving him the bag.

"So this isn't for my A+?" he says taking the bag from her.

She laughs. "Not really. I didn't trust my teaching skills that much."

He opens the bag and sees a folded jacket.

"It's not leather," Rachel says. She's anxious if he'll like it or not. "But it's waterproof," she adds. The water resistant feature of the jacket is what sold it for her.

He takes out the jacket and unfolds it. It's a black bomber jacket. He hands it back to her.

Before she could ask if he doesn't like it, Hector takes off the leather jacket he's wearing. He takes the new one from Rachel and puts it on. It fits perfectly.

Rachel grins. "It looks great."

"I like it," he says. The jacket is lighter than the ones he had ever worn. Less restrictive.

Soon the rest of the students start coming out and Hector gets a call from his friends asking to join them for a game at the field.

"Come and watch," Hector tells her.

"No, I've to go see my sister today."

"Next time, then?" He says.

"Next time."

Hector turns around to leave.

"Wait, your jacket," she says extending her arm over which his leather jacket is hanging.

"Keep it," Hector says, "I'll get it later."

"What? No! Take it with you!" She shouts, but he's gone.

Groaning, she packs it into the bag she brought the new jacket in. How is she supposed to return this one now? She thinks.  

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