Ch. 40

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Hector throws the wrench to the ground, swearing. The throw was hard enough it chips the floor. Hector is frustrated. Having not made up with Rachel yet, he's angry. Both at himself and her.

Hector wonders what Rachel really thinks of him? If he is special to her like she is to him? Or if she thinks he's just a dumb loser for taking abuse from his mother?

He knows Rachel is a better person than to judge him like that, but what if she finds him not good enough for her? Is he not better than Ricky? Hector thinks.

While all these thoughts go rampage in his mind, the maid comes into the garage and tells Hector his father is looking for him.

Hector heads back into the house and sees his father waiting in Hector's room. This is the first time Kevin had visited Hector's room. Hector can tell his father has something important to say.

"Hector, how are you?" Kevin says.

"Good. What's it about?" Hector says as a matter of fact.

His father rubs his hands together, showing faint nervousness, before looking resolute and saying, "I'm divorcing your mother."

Hector's brow raises. Then he breaks into a laugh. "For real? That's fantastic!"

Kevin looks at his son, worried. "Hector, I know I haven't been a good father to you. I know that your mother and I haven't been there for you, and you'd been way too many times dragged into our disputes. At this point all I can do is apologize to you. Now that I'm moving out, I don't want you living with her anymore. You can live with me, or I can arrange a place for you. Don't stay here."

"And leave her like you are?" Hector says.

"I'm leaving her because she makes it impossible for me to stay."

"Why do you think that is?" Hector says.

"When I was with other women, your mother was with other men. We never loved each other. Our marriage was simply a business deal. The only good thing that came out of our relationship is you. I'm at fault for taking you for granted, and for that I'm sorry, but I'm not apologizing for my broken relationship with your mother."

"You don't have to apologize to me, either. Look, dad, I'm sorry. I want you to be happy. I really am glad you've finally decided to face this. But let me worry about myself. I'm not saying this to hurt you, but I've had my back all this time all alone. I know how to take care of myself."

Kevin sadly nods. "I know. But if you ever need me, I'm always here for you, son."

Kevin briefly hugs Hector and leaves.

Hector sits down at the edge of his bed and wipes away the dampness in his eyes.

He's happy. Truly happy. He only hopes his mother would be too, and maybe once and for all, his nightmares will be gone. Maybe then, he won't hate his mother as much as he does now. And maybe then, he can become a better man, even for someone like Rachel. 

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