Ch. 38

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Hector puts on the jacket that Rachel bought him as a thank you for paying for her car's repair at Bo's shop. He looks at his reflection on the mirror and smoothens the unruly hair strands.

Yesterday, the school dance was announced. Hector plans to ask Rachel out for the occasion. During their Disney trip, he loved dancing with her at the club. The two of them shared a moment with each other, that he wants to feel again. Maybe it'll lead to more, he hopes.

Later, at school, Hector doesn't see Rachel the whole day, which is not surprising given they don't share any class. He plans to wait for her at the parking. After school's over, on his way out, Hector sees Rachel and Ricky together at the hallway, engulfed in a conversation. He clenches his fist when he sees Ricky place his hand on Rachel's shoulder. Rachel doesn't seem to mind that and is still talking to Ricky.

Hector leaves, thinking he might end up causing a scene if he continues to stay, and as planned, waits by Rachel's car.

Five minutes later, Rachel appears. Seeing Hector, she grins. "Hey, waiting for me?" Rachel says.

"Could've met you earlier, but you were very busy with Ricky. What were you guys talking about?"

For Rachel, every time Hector mentions Ricky it begins to sound like she's being interrogated for a crime.

"Just about studies," Rachel says.

"Another competition with him?" Hector says.

Rachel sighs. "Will you stop it? We were just talking about my college applications. He's helping me with it."

"Why are you asking for his help?"

"I didn't ask for his help. He knew about my situation and offered to help."

"What situation?"

"That I don't want to go to law school like I thought I did. I want to study Physics."

"You told me at the diner you were going to do what your parents wanted and study law. If you changed your mind, why didn't you tell me about it?"

"It's not like I'm announcing it to everyone now. I haven't even talked to my parents yet. Ricky just happened to know, that's all. We talked about it when we were in Chile."

"But you could've still shared it with me. I could've helped you with anything."

"Anything like what?" Rachel says, losing her patience, "with my applications?"

"Oh, I see. I'm not smart enough for that, right? Just a dumb jock who can't understand your newfound love for Physics, like he can."

"You know what? Just forget about it," Rachel says, sounding cold, "I'm late." She goes to open her car door when Hector grabs her hand. "I'm not done talking to you," he says.

For a moment Rachel is reminded of Hector's mother. She quickly yanks back her hand from his grasp.

Briefly an expression of hurt crosses Hector's face. "What? Thought I was going to hurt you?" He says.

Rachel doesn't answer him right away, and before she could, Hector is gone.

Rachel gets inside her car, and her lips quiver. It's true she was angry at him, rightfully so, but she shouldn't have thought, even in a moment of haste, that he could ever hurt her like the woman who hurts him. Hector is not his mother.

"What did I do?" She mutters under her breath. 

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