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~ party ~

"Say, ah."

Jisoo was helping out at Seulgi's house, feeding the little girl in the highchair whilst her frantic mother tried to make sure the balloons looked perfect for her son who was out with Seulgi, choosing his cake.

The baby happily took the spoon in her mouth, spitting out the food into her hands and making sure Jisoo knew how much she didn't enjoy it by wiping it against her high chair. She giggled and Jisoo smiled, how could she get angry at something so cute?

Besides, it was her idea to help out in any way that she could. The last thing she wanted was stressed parents at a child's birthday party— also, Bohyun was arriving late and Jisoo didn't have any other idea on how to spend her day off without her boyfriend.

Jisoo turned around to grab a paper towel, hearing Irene's sighs as she straightened up the banner and took a step back. It was then that she decided she didn't like it, groaning and stepping forward to change something bothering her.

"It looks perfect, he will love it." Jisoo leaned over to grab a few paper towels, watching as Irene shook her head and let out, yet another, deep sigh.

"It has to be perfect, Soo." She turned her head, flashing her serious eyes to the brunette who turned around to clean the mess the baby had made. "My poor baby deserves so much more and I haven't been able to give him that-- he deserves so much more."

Jisoo could hear the thickened guilt in her voice. Of course, it was only natural for any mother to feel this way after being forced to spend so much time away with the child she carried and birthed.

Jisoo didn't say anything, letting Irene fondle the decorations as she worked on cleaning the baby in front of her. The last thing she wanted to do was upset Irene who had this heavy burden weighing her down.

They both heard the front door open and small feet suddenly padded through the house, hurrying towards the living room where everyone else was.

"Aunt Jisoo!" The little boy squealed, running into Jisoo to hug her waist. The brunette laughed as the impact almost took her down. The little boy pulled away, hopping on his feet in excitement. "Where's my present?"

Seulgi appeared from behind him, letting out a hearty laugh at her son's question. In her arm, she carried a large box— obviously containing the little boy's cake. He had picked it out with pure intent and his glowing face radiated innocence.

"Unce Bohyun is going to bring it later," Jisoo said, ruffling his straight hair.

The boy pouted before he shook it off, too excited about all the other presents he would be able to open later on. His excited feet ran away from Jisoo and towards his mother, smiling as she finally finished putting up the banner.

"Thanks for helping, Ji," Said Seulgi, picking up her daughter from the highchair. "It really means a lot."

Jisoo shook her head, smiling and reaching over to pinch the rosy cheeks of Seulgi's daughter who resembled her so much— from their quirky smile to the little dimple evident in their cheeks.

"It's no biggie," She said in her baby-talking voice, falling in love with the giggle the baby released. "I like helping out."

"All done!" Irene exclaimed after hanging the banner up perfectly. She sighed in relief, stretching her arms which ached from the constant pushing and pulling of the banner.

However, as she turned into their open-plan kitchen to rid her hands of fresh paint from the wall, there wasn't any water coming out.

She sighed, grabbing the sink in annoyance and turning around to face her wife. "Babe, I thought I told you to call someone about the sink."

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