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TONGUE TIED            8━━  the luxury of trusting

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━━ the luxury of trusting

Amelia's feet ached. She could feel blisters forming on her ankles from her shoe constantly scraping her revealed skin after having walked for what she believed had been hours. They had lost track of time in the endless tunnel, but it wasn't like they cared anyway. It had been a painful experience for her, but with no other choice, she was forced to push her limits, despite her countless complaints about her sore legs. Even Robin and Dustin helped by dragging her along, but her whole body throbbed in pain.

Not to mention the ongoing headache she had since that box fell on her.

Little moments like such would often remind her about things from her past. During her time in California and the two weeks she lasted in High School, she befriended a girl named Amy, and she could hardly forget about her. It wasn't what she believed to be a real friendship, but the girl had accompanied Amelia at times.

But who was Amelia Bloom one to talk about friendships?

Feeling her body sting reminded her of her lack of athletic activity, which led her mind to wonder about Amy. The girl would constantly try to convince Amelia to join the cheerleading team, but it was far from Amelia's bucket list. Looking back, she found it funny to picture herself in a cheering team with her inelastic abilities.

She trailed behind Robin and Steve, her pace slightly slower than theirs but faster than Erica and Dustin's, by a long distance. Her gaze was fixated on the floor as her eyes followed her steps. The others were either engaged in conversations or just as dazed as her.

The clearing of his throat snapped her from the trance she held on the tiled floor. A strand of his unruly hair fell over his eyes, they bore into hers. She frowned at the sight. Had he willingly approached her?

Had he gone mad?

As for him, his thoughts were all over the place. You could call him mad. He couldn't quite place a finger on what was it that bothered him so much. He almost felt guilty of being a complete asshole to Amelia. Almost.

Trust was to be gained, not to be handed to anyone.

She started things with the right foot, but maybe he screwed the footwork and their waltz turned into endless bickering.

Though, he had picked quite an interesting in learning about her. But he knew better than to pry. There was something that ignited curiosity inside of him. She'd talk and talk about stuff to strangers, whom she knew nothing of, and who knew nothing about her.

So he decided he'd be the one to flip the record and restart their waltz, after Dustin had told him countless times she was to be trusted. He believed him, but he felt like he had already done enough damage to their beautiful dance.

TONGUE TIED | STEVE HARRINGTONWhere stories live. Discover now