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TONGUE TIED                            6━━ child endangerment operation

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TONGUE TIED                            6
━━ child endangerment operation

       The starry sky welcomed Amelia as she pulled her bike out of her garage. A smile crept up to her glistening face, eyes squinting as she stared up at the moon and the stars adorning the night. She was thankful for the warm night because getting her shoes soaked again wasn't on her bucket list.

       She reached Starcourt in little time and instantly headed to Scoop's, where they would meet up before proceeding with the plan. She had caught a glimpse of Erica, prepped up for the mission and wandering through the vents. She felt proud about convincing the girl and leading her on the same trail as theirs, to get to the Evil Russians. It had taken a lot of convincing, but it surely had been worth it.

       Amelia sat on the roof they had visited before. Her thoughts were scattered all over the place as she stared at her dirty shoes. She was positive they'd find clues about the tape or any silly loose end that would lead to the Russians. Even so, she still considered the negative outcomes and kept in mind what could happen if they were to be caught.

       Of course, it would be a problem for future Amelia.

       Robin scanned the area as she raised the comm to her lips. "Erica, do you copy?" She asked. The place was oddly empty and quiet, opposite to how crowded it usually felt.

       "Mm-hmm. I copy." She hummed. "You nerds in position or what?"

       "Yeah, we're in position," Robin sighed. "It's all quiet here, so you've got the green light."

       "Green light, roger that." She said. "Commence Operation Child Endangerment."

       Amelia pulled the comm closer with a roll of her eyes. "Can we maybe not call it that?" She groaned. Erica scoffed at her request. "We should call it 'The Secret Evil Russian Operation'," She pestered. "Or simply, 'Amelia's an undercover Evil Russian Let's-Find-Out-Mission'." She sarcastically said, narrowing her eyes at Steve. He played dumb and voided her gaze.

       "See you on the other side. Nerds."

       Silence enveloped them. The clock ticked and marked down fifteen minutes since they had last spoken to the girl. Amelia stared off into nothing, while Robin played with the comm and the other two talked within themselves. Her fingers played with the rings adorning them, but her gaze was lost somewhere as her thoughts could only fix on her father. After yesterday's encounter, she could only wonder what he was up to. First, arriving late at night like her, then the smell, and this morning stopping her to interrogate her doings?

       He couldn't possibly have a secret Russian alliance in a place they had just arrived at.

       "Hey, Amelia?" Dustin called from beside her. Her eyes met his, and just then she caught the hint of curiosity behind his stare. "For how long have you been living in Hawkins?" He questioned. He noticed he had caught Steve's attention with his words.

TONGUE TIED | STEVE HARRINGTONWhere stories live. Discover now