Part 3 A Dying Woman and The Ogres' Nightmare

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(I am not interested that much in Shizu's past so I compressed it into three big speaking. It also didn't change so that much is enough. Also I hope you like my bad joke.)

Blumund, Pov: Eren

Finally, we are back! After those hellish days in Jura we finally back to Blumund! During this time we haven't got even one proper bath, so we are smelly and dirty! But we can't have a bath because our 'kind' guildmaster ordered us come to him immediately!

Fuze: Then please report what did you find.

Kaval: First in the forest and the cave's first half we were trying to survive and when we reached the second half and we opened the door, it appeared...

Fuze: Who?

Kaval: A slime.

Fuze: Don't fool with me! What is special about a slime!?

Me: It was cute.

Fuze: That is the normal!

Gido: But that slime... defeated us.

Fuze: Ha? You mean the slime?

Me: Yes.

Fuze: Ah... It looks like you hurt your head somewhere.

Kaval: Please at least have a little faith in us!

Fuze: After saying that a slime won agains you!?

Kaval: It was strong! Eren's magic doesn't worked on it and it was very quick!

Me: And you could feel it didn't want to kill us, but still in the whole fight you could feel he was laughing at us!

Gido: It was an unique monster with intelligent.

Fuze: ... Really?

Me: Yea! And it also send back the spell what I shot at it!

Fuze: So it copied your moves?

Kaval: Yea!

Fuze: Ahh. (Wha does my head hurt so much?) 3 days from now you will go back and investigate the forest this time.

trio: Gha! Why!?

Fuze: Just go!

Kaval: Tch. 

Then we left and cursed the guildmaster infront of someone's house until that girl hasn't appeared.

girl: Are you perhaps going to the Jura Forest?

Kaval: Yes, but who are you?

Shizu: I am Shizu and I want to go to Jura Forest, so I thought I would like to join to you if you don't mind it.

Kaval: That is... *interrupted*

Me: Of course you can join! (Finally a girl in the team!)

Kaval: Hey! I am the leader!

Me: Who cares, she can join right?

Kaval: Alright, but 3 days. We will depart 3 days from now. If you are late we will leave you behind.

Shizu: I understand.

3 days later, Pov: Shizu

Hello everyone! My name is Shizue Izawa, some calls me champion, some hero but I don't care about that. In the past I used to live in Japan in an another world, but during a bombing everything was burning and I got summoned by demon lord Leon Cromwell. He was a heartless beauty with long, platinum gold hair, blue narrow eyes and porcelan skin. At first you think him either a woman or a prince, but the reality harsh as his words. After he summoned me he was abandoning me when he realised I am compatible with fire element and placed the fire spirit Ifrit in me. *I know Ifrit isn't its name but I think Shizu don't know about it.*

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