Part 5 Loathsome Politics

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Next day, pov: 3rd person

One day after the orc lord's death, the leaders of races that where in this war has gathered in the lizardmen's throne room. The leaders were the leaders of goblins, lizardmen, orcs, 5 kijin, the dryad Treyni and Rimuru Tempest, ruler of a powerfull village and the winner of this war. He sat on the throne with closed eyes, crossed arms and legs. You could see his charisma, his strenght, you would think him as a demon lord when you see him first. This was showed in the room's atmosphere too. In the room noone dared to speak because the one with the biggest authority was him. Neither Treyni could even through she was the Manager of the Great Jura Forest, she knew that Rimuru Tempest stronger than her. Everyone was amazed with his look, until he opened his eyes and spoke.

Rimuru: Ha! I really hate politics! Do as you wish, just don't wake me up!

Then everyone's image of a perfect leader got destroyed.

Akatsuki: Rimuru-sama...

Rimuru: If you make politics randomly, then you will destroy yourself what I don't want, so from now my kijins have authority to speak instend of me. If you make good decisions then you won't have to do your job for a month.

kijins: !!! Hai Rimuru-sama! We will make perfect decisions for you! *kneel*

Rimuru: Good, then I will go to sleep until that. *transform into a slime*

others: ... What a slime!!!??? *shocked*

Akatsuki: Ah. You don't know, but Rimuru-sama is a slime.

lizard chief: But how???

Ryuuzou: We don't know how, but he was strong when he meet us and he just became stronger since that.

others: !!! We see.

Here were the leaders of races, so of course they were somewhat clever. They understood that Rimuru meet the kijins after the ogre village's destruction what was not long ago, so Rimuru grew stronger in little time. Also even through he is a slime, he still defeated the orc lord.

Shadow: Then first as contract with lizardmen says, they need to give 17% of their corps and fish.

lizard chief: We already started to pack them. But I would like to move some of my race to your village.

Shadow: How much of you want to come?

lizard chief: I want to send my daughter and her direct subordinatives. Also my son Gabiru and his subordinatives to repent for their actions.

Shadow: Your daughters can come, but your son... *interrupted*

Rimuru: He can come.

Shadow: ! I understand. Your request to move was accepted.

lizard chief: Thank you.

goblin leader 1: Can we move into your village too? *trembling*

Akatsuki: Our village will welcome you, but only those who are willing to work.

goblin leaders: We are willing to work! *bow*

Ryuuzou: Then the lasts are the orcs...

Sakura: But they are too much, we can't resident this much orcs.

orcs leaders: *looks down because they see no hope*

Aster: We can't give up! Rimuru-sama promised he will save them, so we need to help him!

everyone: !!!

Akatsuki: We maybe can scatter them in the whole forest to live, but we can't give them enough food...

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