Part 9 Annoying Students

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After one month, Pov: Rimuru

One month has passed since I was free, I have been cooking, playing with Milim when she came, getting crystal balls from Carrion for some reason, so I played bowling with them. (He doesn't know what is a recording crystal.) They were good days, but I still haven't figured out what did I forgot.

Me: "Random give me today's fun."

Random: "How about saving the students of invidual Shizue Izawa?"

Me: "Huh?" (Wait! Now you say it I promised her to save them! I thought fucking Leon more important, so I forgot it!) "But where was she a teacher!?"

Random: "In Kingdom of Ingrassia."

Me: "Thank you Random! You are life saver as always!" "Everyone a quick meeting!"

Akatsuki: "If it again Rimuru-sama's new idea then can be absent?"

Me: "Now I am not joking."

Akatsuki: (His tone!) "Hai!"

After that I went to the meeting room and everyone was there already.

Me: First do you remember Shizu?

Kaijin: Hai.

Sakura: Shizu?

Me: Ah, you kijins weren't here that time. Shizu was my first friend and I owe her a lot. When she died she asked me to save her students as a final request, so I will go to Ingrassia for it.

Sakura: I see.

Akatsuki: (So there was someone who could bear other than Lady Milim.)

Aster: Wait! Then Rimuru-sama will go alone to an another country!? Please bring atleast me with you!

Me: I will bring Arashi with me, also Shadow fetch me the idiot trio, tell them that I will go to the gate of Blumund in two days.

Shadow: Hai! *a clone of his left*

Arashi: Do not worry, I will be with Master!

Akatsuki: Well probably Rimuru-sama will be safe, so we should just do what we done before, right?

Me: Well you can say that. Now I told everything what I want, so you can go.

Akatsuki: Rimuru-sama may I ask why do you need to call us together everytime just for two sentence!?

Me: Because if I just tell some of you then the rest will feel abandoned or if I just use {Thought Communication} then you would feel like if I don't care that much about you, so I just tell you what will I do and do it without asking normally your opinions.

everyone: (Rimuru-sama!) *touched* (Wait, you don't care about out opinions even here.)

Me: Now I will go.

Sakura: Wait Rimuru-sama, you will go like that!?

Me: Yea, is there any problem with it?

Sakura: Please wear something more normal clothes! If you go out like this you will make bad rumors about you!

Me: Hmmm... Okay, but then I will change my whole look. "Random can you give me look or just a look idea?"

Random: "......... Master should grow and change colour to green."

Me: "Green... Well not bad." Make me adventure clothes which looks good with green hair.

Sakura: Green? ... I understand. *left*

Me: Then until she finish my clothes I will stay, but then I will leave.

everyone: Hai.

After that everyone went back to their job and I went to back my house and started to create a new look, after some hours Sakura arrived and gave me my new clothes. I like my new look, now I am about 150 cm even throught this way my reaction time will be a little worse, but who cares. Also I changed my name to Ivy Viperia what was made by Random Name. It is still a broken skill, I love it. Currently I look like this:

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