Part 13 Bullying Clayman's men

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Pov: Rimuru

Next day when I woke up the sky was clear and the breeze was comfortable, but what did I expect from the Storm Dragon. Why Veldora is here? That is because he asked me how can he train his strenght because he is afraid to meet his sisters on our wedding, so he wants to be stronger. So I told him to make breeze at me when I sleep and then try to do it while in Sleep Mode. At first he almost destroyed the house, but after few try he was able to do it well. It looks like it was good idea to tell him: 'Everytime when you break something I will make less sweets for you!', after that he improved a lot, but he still unable to do it in Sleep Mode. After I gave him his reward I went to the forest when...

Shadow appeared and leaned on a tree with a sexy pose, he really likes his job, but this can't be said to the other kijins. Oh really, they became onis after my evolution. But about the jobs: Ryuuzou likes it because he can bully (train) others in both of his job. Sakura is much better with magic than with weapons, but still bad in leading an army, so she asked Diablo about it and magic. Because the little magic and leading learning didn't steal her hobby time, so she doesn't have to much problem. Osamu became a full equipment maker, because now he is able to make clothes, armor and weapons, too, but for better quality he still ask the dwarves help. Akatsuki would tear apart his maid outfit in that moment when I say him that he doesn't need to wear it anymore. He really hates it because it is embarrassing and he can't have his sword with him, he tried to hide it, but all of his attempt were failure, so in the end he learned space magic to store his sword. And the last is Aster... She was my personal cook, but after I started to cook for Milim, she got less chance, when Milim left she got back them, but I left to save the children and now I am cooking for Eldo and Ramiris, so mostly she lost her job. Currenly she doesn't have job, so I asked her to help in physical work, but I also told her that she will get a job, just she needs to wait for it. But that is enough of monologue what does Shadow want?

Shadow: Rimuru-sama please stop there!

Me: Why?

Shadow: Because we don't want Rimuru-sama leave the town until the Walpurgis. 

Me: Hah!?

Shadow: We don't want Rimuru-sama to make more problem.

Me: ... Okay. 

Then I went back to the town, the following things happened in these days:

- I heard that magic swords will change their shape after you use them enough which means after you poured enough aura/magicules in it, so I thought I will try it in my Stomach where I store my magicules and aura and the time is quite strange too. So I asked magic swords from Kaijin and got six. I made six barrier with different density of my aura and placed the swords in it.

- I helped Osamu and Kaijin to make a new weapon for me, I gave them black fire and my personal magic steel and when it got finished I placed it in a seventh barrier which had the most aura in it.

- Also I asked Sakura for clothes for the Walpurgis because I still don't understand how Random Creation works that much, so I am afraid my clothes will disappear during the tea party what would be random, but even that how much I want random things has limit. This outfit was designed by Gacha and this time I was able to win agains Sakura, so my style and colours are random, but she still was able to ban the pink and neon green.

- Ramiris was annoying everyday and asked lots of cookies, also she asked weither she can stay, but I refused her because she is weak and I can't play that much thing with her. She was angry, but she calmed down after a while, but asked for other things. She asked me to make a body for Treyni, so she will be able to go to the Walpurgis because she is binded to the forest and maybe she won't able to go there, so if she got body this problem would be solved, so I made a core and a body from tree for her and when she possessed she became a dryas doll dryad. Well atleast after this Ramiris became quieter.

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