Part 11 Birth of The Scariest and Weirdest Demon Lord

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(This became 8087 words because I didn't wanted to slice one more chapter. Also I am waiting for the comments.)

Pov: Ivy (Rimuru)

This conversation with Yuuki was so funny! I still laughing at his face when I accidently exposed his goal! But after that what happened! I am looking foward the future. Also I said goodbye to the children and after how much they cried I gave them lots of cookies and Shizu's mask to Chloe because it looked better at her than me. After I wasn't able to be seen by them, Lucifer teleported and kneeled infront of me.

Me: Where are the other two?

Lucifer: They went to catch a leviathan for Rimuru-sama's return.

Me: That sounds good. Now lets... !!!

Lucifer: !!! A Holy Field!?

Me: What is that?

???: A barrier which weakens the monsters, leader of monsters, Rimuru Tempest.

Me: And who are you lady or maybe grandma?

Hinata: Normally I wouldn't tell you my name, but I will tell you this time, even through you will die here. I am Hinata Sakaguchi, captain of the Chief Knights of the Holy Imperial Guard, the faithful servants of Luminus in the Holy Empire of Lubelius. And I am still in my twenties!

Me: Huh? Just a teenager? And you are Shizu's last student, right? You are ugly, Yuuki is more beautifull than you.

Hinata: Sorry, I didn't know you were a gay.

Me: I don't have gender, so that isn't true and even if I was onto girls I would call you ugly. I don't have problem with black hair, but in this world you would easily able to colour your hair to pink or red. Also your clothes! They are boring! You don't have any sense in fashion!

Hinata: Say what you want! I will kill you here!

Me: I will... *interrupted*

Neil: Are you okay Ivy-sama!?

Diablo: We felt that our connection got severed, so we ran here!

Me: You two... I was just playing with this girl.

Diablo: Kfufufu... A lowly human, but if this Ivy-sama's wish then we won't discurb the battle.

Hinata: So you asked for reinforment... Wouldn't try to kill me easier with them or do you think you can win agains me alone in this field?

Me: You are Shizu's student, so I will spare you. 

Hinata: Those will be your last words!

Then the fight started.

Pov: Hinata

This monster looks strong, but the problem is his three butler, one of them has almost no problem to be under the Holy Field and if I look at the other then my instinct says to run and the third looks the weakest, but he is strong too! Thankfully the monster ordered the them to not disturb the battle. If all of them would attack me then maybe I would die because I don't have my true weapon here. I thought that the monster will be easy, but I was wrong. I can't read him! He using daggers, so he needs to come closer than me to him, but he was able to be close because when I saw how will he attack and reacted to that, he randomly changed the path of the attack! Well even throught he could come close he couldn't hit me and in exchange I hit him three times, so he only has four more hits before he dies from the effect of my sword.

Me: I hope you see that you don't have chance to win. You will be destroyed like your town.

Ivy: Tempest destroyed? You!!! You attacked my town!?

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