Part 10 Noir's Long Lost Siblings

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Pov: Ramiris

Hello everyone! I am Ramiris an ancient demon lord! Do you know what happened few weeks ago!? Milim come here to show off with her new boyfriend! And it was a slime! At first I thought she ate something weird, but poison won't work on her, so I just let her be, probably she is just lonely. She was alone since her birth and even we, demon lords couldn't help with it. Well nobody tried, but still we were unable to be her close friends like her baby dragon. But that is enough of Milim because I have an another problem! There is a new human in my labyrinth with blue hair and golden eyes. He looks like a human, but I think he is a demon! He randomly starts running or puching the walls! So I got enough of him and called him with Telepathy.

*Arashi isn't here.*

Me: "Oy! Stop destroying the walls!"

boy: ... No.

Me: "Hah!? How you dare to go into others home and start destroying things in!?"

boy: Well there is an illusion here, so I tried to destroy that by destroying the walls.

Me: "Well of course there is! And why are you here!?"

boy: I come to the Spirit Queen.

Me: "Hm? Then if you pass my trial then I will let you meet her!"

boy: Really!? That would make the things easier!

Then I distorted the space and let the boy arrive to a big platform with my cute golem on it.

Me: "Defeat my golem and then you win! But I advice you to run, it is strong!"

boy: No, problem. This will be easy.

He is very cocky, but I won't kill him, when he is loosing I will save him and put out somewhere outside or this what I was planning. After my golem awakened it attacked him, but he easily evaded the attack, then he kicked my golem into the air! How!? Even if the earth spirits manage its weight, he still was just a human! How could he kick something as heavy that hight in the air!? Then he used a spell inside of it and it exploded because of the spell! My golem!!!

boy: Beautiful fireworks!

Me: "My golem!!! You! How you dared to destroy my cute golem!?"

boy: Hah? You said I need to defeat it, so I did so.

Me: "I didn't said that you should destroy it!"

boy: Who cares, I passed your trial, so let me meet the Spirit Queen.

Me: "Hai-hai."

Then I comed out.

boy: Huh?

Me: I am the.. Ghu *bit her tongue*

boy: (She bit her tongue.)

Me: I am the Spirit Queen, also one of the Ten Great Demon Lords, Fairy of the Labyrinth Ramiris!

boy: ... I see, then where is the real one?

Me: I am the real one!

boy: Well Milim said that your appearence weird... But this much?

Me: Milim?

Rimuru: Ah, I should introduce myself. I am the Random Calamity, Rimuru Tempest the king of Kingdom of Tempest.

Me: Rimuru? Hmm... Ah! You are the new boyfriend of Milim! Augh! *got hit* Why did you hit me!?

Rimuru: I am not her boyfriend! I am her bestie! Even the big brother is better than boyfriend!

Me: Huh? You weren't dating?

Rimuru: Of course not! I am not onto little girls! I am not a lolicon! (Even if Random says it!)

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