Part 6 Playing With My Cute Niece

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Clayman's castle, Pov: Milim

Clayman has called us about the orc lord matter, so I bought Frey with me too, so I won't be alone with those two men. I don't hate them, but still I like be with Frey around them, when Frey is here they watch at their mouth.

Clayman: Thank you for coming here, but I have to make you sad because the orc lord probably dead.

Me: What-noda!?

Carrion: After all that long plan!?

Clayman: Yes, we don't know weither he is really dead or not, but please look at these. *shows four crystal ball*

first one: *shows Akatsuki as he burn the orcs*

Me: Amazing-noda! That was powerfull-noda!

Carrion: To think there was such hight-ranking majin in the forest...

second one: *shows Arashi using Death Storm, also evolving into Tempest Star Wolf*

Carrion: What a majestic wolf!

Me: Interesting-noda!

third one: The one who controlling the orcs. You are the next. Your biggest mistake was setting your paws infront of our lord's sight!

Frey: Lord!?

Carrion: Who is their lord!? They look like kijins, so their lord is one too?

Frey: Probably.

last one: *shows that Gelmud landed to the battlefield*

Gelmud: Who dared to mess up with the great Gelmud's plan!?

red haired kijin: You are the majin who come to our village before the orc attack!

Gabiru: Gelmud-sama you come to save us!?

Gelmud: Why would I do such thing!? You only needed for being the food of the new demon lord!

Gabiru: Huh?

old kijin: New demon lord!?

Gelmud: Yea! So Geld eat these majins quickly and became a demon lord!

Geld: Me?

Gelmud: Yes! Are you stupid!? I went so much to name monster just to became your food! Be grateful and became a demon lord for me!

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