Part 12 Preparations for the Tea Party

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Notice: In the original Rimuru vs Hinata and the fall of Tempest happened on day 1. Then when he arrived he was in shock for 3 days, so he attacked on day 4. Then he evolved for 3 days and woke up on day 7 and listened the beastkeepers, named Diablo and ate Shion's cooking. On day 8 there was a meeting, also he also unsealed Veldora and stayed for 3 days in the cave, so he come out on day 10 and there was the big politics day. The Walpurgis was three days later, so on day 13. I don't know when Yuuki, Kagali and Laplace spoke to each, so I will say that they spoke on day 9 and on day 10 Clayman made a Walpurgis call and Ramiris started to come to Tempest. Eurazanai got destroyed on day 4 because Alvis said on three days earlier on day 7.

Compare this to here: Day 1 same. Day 2 Rimuru killed almost everyone and evolved, woke up on day 5 and this is where are we now. So normally Eurazania wouldn't be here now, but I still need it, so I will change its destuction from day 4 to day 5, also because these changes there will be more too in the future. I hope you will understand it.

day 5, Pov: Rimuru

After I spoke to the Kenwards, I went to the podium and started the feast:

Me: *in microphone in strick tone* My people listen! As you know I really like random things, but what happened somedays ago even through it was random I really hated it! You all suffered because of my rules, so I will make a new rule: If your life in danger, you don't have to follow the rules and the rule 1 change to: Do not attack other races unless they attack first! Also all of this happened because the enemy didn't fear us and looked down, but now I became a demon lord and you are my people! From now you don't have to hold back your magicules, only that much that humans can still breath normally! Humans can be good and bad too, so we won't kill them without reason. Lots of things happened and we have to do something agains them, but *change to playful tone* lets forget about those and have a feast now!

people: Hai!!!

Then we started to eat, drink, dance, play and other things, but one annoying maid come to me.

Me: Then Akatsuki how do you want to annoy me?

Akatsuki: So you know. At the attack of Falmuth Alvis-dono called me, but the barriers didn't let us to speak, so in the end I didn't find out what she wanted. Yesterday, I called her back and she told me that Lady Milim declared a war agains them, also she wanted to speak to you, but I told her that you are sleeping, so she asked me to tell this to you and call Carrion-sama if you are awaken.

Me: Milim!? But how can I speak to Carrion?

Akatsuki: *takes out a crystal ball* With this communicational device.

Me: A crystal ball? Call Carrion.

Akatsuki: Hai. *call him through the crystal ball*

Carrion: "Finally you answered me Rimuru!!!" *shout*

Me: "Yo."

Carrion: "Don't 'Yo' to me! Do something about Milim!"

Me: "Heee? I don't want. She probably has a grudge agains you."

Carrion: *annoyed* "She hasn't! This happened after you come here! Every week she come here and started to eat your cooking infront of me! She just wanted to show off with that she has your cooking while I don't! It annoyed me and I called you, but why didn't you answered atleast to one!?"

Me: "I don't remember to get such thing. Wait... Her behavior... Don't tell me... You! How dare to try seduce my Milim!?"

Carrion: "Huh?"

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