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★ MALAYSIA UNIQUE JONESapril seventeenth, 2023

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april seventeenth, 2023

AFTER DRIVING FOR , three hours and forty five minutes, malaysia had finally arrived in sugarhill outside of her sister taniya's hosue. "yeah bae i just pulled up outside." she was on the phone with her boyfriend, mosiah.

"me, kazi and vey gonna be down there next week. i already got the apartment shit straight." mosiah and her bestfriends, kazi and auvey were moving to new york along with her.

she would've never thought that she would ever be back to living down in harlem, but after getting a call from her sister saying that she needed major help with her son—colin, lay knew that a short visit would be a no. so she packed everything into her bags and drove down to sugarhill.

"okay imma talk to you later bae, i gotta go." she told him, hovering over the red button. "i love you."

"rd i love you." and with that, she hung up. taking the key out of the ignition, she opened the door and stepped out, walking to open up the trunk.

looking at the three suitcases that sat in there, she placed her hands on her hips and groaned. she didn't feel like doing this at all. "i'll come back to it later." she closed the trunk, locking the car with her key and walking to the porch to knock on the door.

taniya opened the blinds, peeking through the window to see who was outside. she ran to the door, opening it to smile brightly at her sister. "lay!" she pulled her inside and into a tight hug.

"hey niy." lay leaned forward a bit so that her leg could kick the door close. "where's my tt baby?"

"tt lay!" colin's adorable and cheery voice squeaked as he ran out the kitchen. lay bent down to pick him up as his arms wrapped around her neck.

"hey colin. you gotten so big." she bounced him in her arms. "you're two now aren't you?" he nodded, showing off his new teeth.

"thank you so much for helping me out lil sis." taniya said in a appreciative tone.

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