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★ JUSTIN QUINCY REYESmay twentieth , 2023

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may twentieth , 2023

LOCKING THE CAR door, the keys jingled with every step he took towards colin's daycare center. he offered to pick colin up because malaysia's online class went longer than she expected. pulling the door open with a equal amount of force, jay stepped inside as he let the door close behind him.

"hello, are you here for pick up?" a cheery short white middle aged woman poked her head out from behind the front desk. "yeah. colin watts."

"are you an emergency contact? because normally his aunt miss malaysia jones picks him up." she asked, jay nodded and gave her his name. "ok, yea justin reyes?" he nodded. "alright. you can go through those doors, make a right turn and go all the way down." she advised before pulling out a clipboard. "but i need you to sign in right here."

taking a pen out of the small cup, he took the top off, angling his hand a way to begin writing his name, the date, and the time. finishing, he placed the cap back on the pen and pushed the clipboard back to the receptionist.

"thank you mister reyes." he nodded his head, walking away and through the doors to follow the given directions. finding the classroom, the door was open and he walked in to see a lot of parents already picking their kids up.

"oh hello, i'm miss sampson. you look unfamiliar?" colin's teacher approached. she was in her early twenties, brownskin and wore clear glasses with a orange pastel dress, a jean jacket, and white crocs.

"i'm justin reyes, here to pick up colin." he informed. miss sampson turned her head back, sticking her hand out. "colin!"

the two year old walked over, a smile on his face that grew when he spotted jay. "uncle jay." he squealed, running to latch his arms around jay's leg.

jay leaned down to embrace the toddler. "wassup lil man. your aunt couldn't come because of her classes."

"that's ok." he shrugged, not caring. "you never see my bookbag." he turned around, showing jay his daniel tiger neighborhood bookbag.

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